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Apparently, the attack was so strong that its area of effect managed to reach you. The sound of the groundbreaking explosion rung your ears and sent dusts flying into different directions. Because of the hot smoke brought by the blast, it was difficult to discern the events that happened afterwards.

You felt the intense disquietude deep inside you and it was unbearable. "Please be okay! Please be okay!" You prayed. You wished for just a single touch of hope to arrive and restore that ease you had earlier.

As you were too occupied with your thoughts, a sudden strong gust of wind blew past from behind you. It was very surprising. You jolted away from the unexpected wind that you almost shoved the person beside you. Seemingly, most of the crowd had felt the same when you heard them gasp and grew curious about it.

"I've been pathetic, young man" You heard a strange man speak from the other side of the fog of thinning smoke. You could faintly see a shadow of a tall figure in the scene. "I've been so pathetic..."

"A-Allmight?!" Izuku squeaked and his voice echoed throughout the alleyway. Your cat ears immediately perked up to the sound. It's like you've been struck by a wave of emotions the moment you heard him once again. There was a feeling of happiness, gratitude and most especially, that longing feeling of relief.

Soon enough, the smoke was finally nothing but a thin layer of gas. Everyone's jaw dropped and their eyes widened at the clear view of a certain man. You took note of his features. The weird thick strands of hair standing up from his head, the shadow that hid his eyes, and that huge bright smile on his face. He clearly took the spotlight the moment he entered the scene.

You can't help but fixate your gaze at him. You realized he was your answered prayer as you saw how he shielded Izuku from the attack with his own body. Despite the situation he is in, his smile remains bright and wide. You are truly mesmerized by him.

"Allmight? Is that really him?"
"I can't believe it! The number one hero!"
"Go Allmight! Beat him up!"

As the crowd cheered and shouts for who you now know as the number one hero, you watched his movements. He was swift and his stance seemed perfectly formed. His strength was incredible too. You were amazed at how he freed his arm from the sludge's grasp with just a single pry. Katsuki couldn't even free himself even though he was already using all the energy and power from his entire body.

Allmight, of course, didn't waste anymore time and let the villain cause more damage. He clenched his hand into a fist as the sludge prepares for another explosive attack. "Damn you, Allmight!" The sludge villain yelled in anger. Both of their attacks clashed with one another and a very strong gush of wind starts to blow.

It felt like you were in the eye of a hurricane. It was so strong that you almost got blown of your feet. Fortunately, the gigantic lady hero shielded you and the rest of the civilians with her arms to keep everyone from getting hurt. Even someone as big as her struggled to stay in place with how strong the wind was.

Dusts, dirt and a lot of other particles were violently thrown into different places now. You had to close your eyes to protect them so you didn't get the chance to see how the fight actually occurred. Yet, as your eyes slowly flutter open, you noticed that the sludge was already gone. All that was left was the muscular man standing in thr middle of the alleyway and the two boys lying unconsciously on the ground.

The strong wind finally settled down as well. Suddenly, you felt a small drop of water on the tip of your nose. Your fingers lightly wiped it off as you tilt ur head up to check where it came from. Though, you only saw nothing else above you but the sky.

You felt another drop on your cheek then another on the other side of your face. You felt more drops of water fall onto different parts of your body as you stare up to the sky. You observed gray clouds piling up together and the more visible they become, the more it showers.

"Will you look at that? He changed the weather with just one punch!" A man said with an amused grin. Allmight, raised his fist up into the air and everyone proudly cheered for him for the victory. You felt fine, at last. Thanks to the arrival of this man, your friend is still in one piece. "That's the number one hero for ya!" You heard someone say.

Your gaze shifts down from the hero to the two young boys lying on the ground. You remembered the moment when Izuku shared his dream with you. He must've longed to feel the kind of recognition Allmight gets after saving people. To be honest, you yourself also strived for such support from the people you desire to protect. And yet, in your own dimension, everyone just treats you like your nothing but a troublemaker.

You felt a light shove hit you from behind and you slowly got pushed forward along with the people crowding around Allmight. Most had to push their way to the front just to see him more closely. As you watch how he answers the interviewers, you were bedazzled by that huge smile on his face along with his charismatic laughter. It gave you a sense of reassurance and excitement to be able to be this close to the number one hero as everyone proclaimed.

"I bet Izuku wants to see his idol up close to." You giggled to yourself. You look behind you to where you last saw your friend but they seem to have disappeared already. A surge of panick rushed into you once again as you squeeze your way out of the crowd to find him. Again.

For a short second, you stopped on your tracks and looked back at Allmight. He was too busy entertaining the crowd that asked him never-ending questions. You smiled at the feeling you had when you saw him closely. It felt very honorable for some reasons. You then proceeded with your search for your friend.

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