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This chapter doesn't contain any BNHA characters yet but you'll get there real soon. I'm sorry if it's taking too long for Katsuki to show up :')

     The trip to barracks was spent wiping your tears. You didn't have to walk for long since the said building is close to the palace. You didn't have to worry about your fellow warriors-in-training seeing you.

     Since it's night, everyone is probably asleep especially that a big event will be held tomorrow just for them. An event you've been dreaming to be a part of yet they just had to take it away from you.

     You entered the barracks through the main door. It was dark and silent inside and you want to keep it that way. Slowly, you shut the door in order to prevent anyone from waking up.

     "Hey look! It's (Y/N)!" Your body flinched when a loud voice broke the silence. Once you turned to look, a guy was peeking out from his room door. Everybody else went out of their rooms to take a look at you as the lights were all opened and the silence was filled in with whispering and gossiping.

     "So, how's your day with the Lightborn? Got in trouble again, haven't you?" One guy came to your side and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 'Damn... this guy smells!' You scrunched your nose at the unpleasant odor his armpits are emitting.

     "I did not! Leave me alone will you?!" You took his arm and shoved it away as you attempt to leave. "Why do you smell like shit?!" Another guy bumped you on your back. He had a teasing grin as he looked down on you and you figured it's best if you backed away.

     More people came and surrounded you. You roamed your eyes, trying to find an opening between the crowd. All you want is to be alone right now and with all this people teasing and mocking, you're starting to feel even worse.

     "Awww is baby gonna cry again?" A guy mimicked a little kid's voice and teased you even more. You didn't even notice that tears were starting to form in your eyes 'till one of them pointed them out. You can hear them laughing, you can hear them making fun of you.

     "C'mon guys stop this!" You hear someone squeeze through and went infront of you. "Can't you see their not feeling well?" You looked up to the boy who just arrived at the scene. It was shocking that someone actually bothered to help. Everyone went quiet and stared at you and the boy.

     "It's fine now!" He faced you and wiped away your tears. His huge smile showed some reassurance and you gratefully returned it to him. "Thanks..."

     "You're no fun, Zenji!" One of them complained and everyone else agreed. Though, Zenji didn't mind and ignored him. "I know you feel bad because you can't join the graduation rites tomorrow but I have something that can make you feel better."

      You were curious yet you didn't ask anything. You felt his hands leave your cheeks and you saw him shove them both in his pockets.

     He quickly pulled his hands out. You didn't get a chance to see what was in it when you felt a slight pang hit you at both sides of your face. "Surprise!"

     A sticky and gooey liquid dripped from your cheeks. You hear everyone gasp at what happened and it didn't take long 'till laughing started.

     You opened your eyelids and saw egg yolk and whites coating your mud-smeared face. It was a cold and disgusting feeling on your skin and the eggs' smell made you wanna throw up. 'Are these rotten?!'

     "You really think I was on your side?" Zenji joined in with everyone's laughter. "What a dumbass! You gonna tell the Lightborn about this? You think they're going to believe you? HAHAHA"

A Crystal Away •[ BNHA Katsuki Bakugo x Reader]• Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum