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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to my Katsuki fanfiction. I'm not confident with my work but I still hope you'll enjoy it! Enjoy Reading :3

     "What happened this time?" You heard the disappointment laced in his voice. The man sitting infront of you had his fingertips clasped together as his elbows rested on his knees. "You guys are a mess!"

     You kept your head down and didn't respond, neither did the boy sitting beside you. When he said the both of you are a mess, he was right. Both of you are covered in bruises and cuts. Twigs and small leaves are entangled in your (h/c) locks and same goes for his white ones.

     Both of your imperial uniforms are soaked with mud and gave you that bad, earthy odor. You knew you smell terrible since the scent made you want to stop breathing. The man even scrunched his nose and secretly tried to distance himself from you.

     Luckily, one of the Lightborn offered to help patch you up. She's busy cleaning and bandaging your right arm which had a deep cut. She can't do anything about your stained uniform, sadly.

     "Nobody's gonna say anything? Harith? (Y/N)?" You knew the man was getting impatient from your lack of response. You and Harith exchanged glances, having a little eye to eye fight about who gets to explain to him.

     Unfortunately, you didn't win the little arguement. You could only sigh at the lost because at some point, he was in this situation because of you.

     You opened your mouth to speak, struggling to find the right words to tell him. "W-we uh... we kinda angered the elves living in the Lunar Temple. Harith and I had to jump off a window to escape and got caught by a tree. We tumbled down the branches and landed on mud..." Your (h/c) leonin ears and Harith's blue ones drooped downwards from the embarrassing story.

     "The Lunar Temple? You mean you had a fight with the archer elves?!" The woman bandaging your arm intervened, a look of disbelief was plastered on her face. "We didn't fight them, Ms. Fanny! As soon as we saw them bring their bows out, we ran away!" Harith defended.

     "I'm glad you didn't but you shouldn't have invaded the temple! You know those elves are devotees to the Moon Gods... they protect the temple's treasures!" Alucard scolded the both of you.

     "I should be with Sr. Tigreal on a mission but instead, I was instructed to give you a lecture! After all, I'm your guardian, aren't I?" He lightly hits your head with his knuckles.

     You yelped at the pain as you rubbed the spot with your free hand. You look back down and glued your eyes to the floor. "I'm sorry, sir." Harith also gazed on the same floor you're facing. "Me too... I apologize."

     Alucard sighed once again but this time, he had a little grin on. "I'm just glad you guys are safe." He lifts his hands to ruffle both of your fluffy heads.

     The door suddeny slammed open and startled everyone inside the room. Another man entered the scene. "Alucard, guards from Eruditio wants to see you." He didn't bother excuse himself upon entering and just stood there with an emotionless face.

     Both of yours and Harith's eyes twinkled at the sight of the newly arrived man. His hair is black with a white streak on the front side. It compliments his nonchalant personality very well, including the scar across his right eye.

     "Granger? Why? What's up with them?" Alucard asked. A lump suddenly formed at the back of your throat. You knew exactly why they wanted to talk to your guardian. You felt a bead of sweat trail down from your forehead as your body tensed up from nervousness. 'Crap! They found me!'

A Crystal Away •[ BNHA Katsuki Bakugo x Reader]• Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt