
Ron had tried to keep the tension out of his voice but he didn't know whether he had been able to successfully evade his wife's concerns. Hermione was smart but perhaps she had been too distracted this morning to realize that there was something amiss. When he had received that letter with all those cryptic words on top, he knew the matter must be of utmost confidentiality, since the envelope had been enchanted so that it refused to be torn open unless the correct password was put in. 

It had taken him a long time to figure it out but after he had managed to extract the letter from within, he had been able to only give it a cursory glance before Hermione came in, but it was enough to add a deep, troubled line on his forehead.  

And it proved to be right, as when he decided to check out the matter himself in the Ministry archives, he made a shocking discovery indeed. He didn't know whether he should let his concerns known to someone, but he didn't know who all were involved in this and how far up this went. He thought about discussing the matter with Harry but then decided to put it off for later, since Harry had been quite busy with his sting operations for the last few days and he didn't want to distract him on the night of a big raid.

Finally, he decided that he should pay a visit to the person who he was sure had sent the letter in the first place. He thought he could maybe force him to tell the whole story and possibly help him investigate the case better.

Now, as he almost got shoved out of that person's house, Ron kicked a nearby dustbin with a loud clang, chiding himself for ever hoping that that bastard was going to help him. Still enraged and also stumped by the entire mystery, he took the road, thinking that walking for a while would clear his mind and also help bring his temper under control.

He hadn't gone a few blocks when he realized he was being followed; he increased his pace and turned to a dark alley, waiting in the bend, hidden behind a red telephone booth. As soon as his pursuer passed by, looking frantically for him, he jumped out from behind, securing the man's hands behind his back and jabbing his wand at his neck.

"Who are you? What do you want?!"

Before the man could say anything, another hex came at them from the shadows; Ron pushed him off, ducking just in time so that the curse hit the booth, making wood and glass explode everywhere. Avoiding the sharp shards of glass, Ron dived for his wand, the other man scrambled for his own and both struck curses at each other, their spells colliding in midair. But there was someone else in the shadows who was throwing curses as well and Ron had some difficulty in fending both of them off.

In the ongoing duel, a stray hex hit Ron in the leg and made him cower in pain. Momentarily taking cover behind some bushes, he realised the side of his face was bleeding where the glass had cut into his skin and he decided it was better to apparate out of there. But his attackers had apparently put a spell over the area so that long-distance apparition was not possible. He had no other option but to apparate only as far as a nearby roof.

He believed that the light from the moon would allow him to see better and also he got the opportunity to catch his breath. The two men soon caught up to him and appeared on the same rooftop, wands at the ready. Now he could get a good look at them, as he took a staggering step towards them, raising his own wand too.

Though he didn't exactly know them, their faces were familiar; he was sure one of them belonged to the team of Hit-Wizards back at the Ministry. That was why it confused him more, since he was an officer at the Ministry too.

"What do you want from me?"

They didn't reply, simply poised their wands accompanied with faces masked with cold indifference and renewed their assault. Ron kept them at bay as long as he could, repelling both of their spells at the same time, till one curse ricocheted off of the ground inches from his feet, momentarily catching him off guard, so that he was unaware that he had reached the edge of the roof. Losing balance, he tumbled backwards and felt himself falling into the complete darkness beneath.   

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