My Love...

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Rose, red and deep, be my love for you,

Daisy, white and pure, as I see you in my eyes,

Sunflower, yellow and eternal, as the bond between us,

Dahlia, pink and proud, the uncompromising love we have,

The vast sky, elusive and blue, we never be for each other,

The river, restless and all south, never be our journey together,

The sun, hindered and sets in west, never be the feeling for each other,

The earth, dark and mushy, never may we feel the touch of one another,

Many love and many betray, some eternal, some transient,

Should the sugar sweetness of lust suit more than the savory taste of any love?,

If you love then why fake it and, break it?

When you have a beating heart in your bosom, then why thief it from someone else?

If you fear death then why lose your soul to someone else?

For as old and, unscripted is life, so is the love,

Life without purpose doesn't exist so doesn't my love without you,

Then let me not compare you with the delicate flowers for they wither away with time,

My love for you shall measure with the sky, vast and endless,

Our love shall flow alike a river, perseverance and sometimes rage be in it,

So, the aura of our bond will be as the sun, all nurturing and bright,

Never will we ever sail hopeless for we stand grounded and, tall from the earth for our love,

We nay call our love as fragile or over powering strong,

They shall be as long as stars don't fall of the sky and, humankind lives so as to tell our tale,

Let our love be a myth, an epic, for love surpasses all the emotion,

A man can ever be capable to have.

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