I'll Wait For You

Start from the beginning

They pulled back and Louis looked up at Harry , who immediately engulfed the smaller boy in his arms , letting him wrap his arms around his neck and legs around his waist .

"I'll miss you . I love you ." Louis whispered , crying softly .

"I love you even more , i'm gonna miss you so bad ." Harry whispered back , peppering his shoulder with kisses .

'Last call to flight 945 to London , England'

Harry slowly put him down , kissing him on the lips , one long , soft and passionate last kiss .

"I'll wait for you ." He whispered , kissing him one last time and letting go , watching him walking through the entrace , disappearing .

He turned around to the boys , who were still crying , and pulled them into a group hug .

They stood like that for as long as they can remember , wishing there was something they could do to make Louis come back .


Louis was back in his flat in London , lying in bed and crying silently .

His mum and sisters visited this morning , he tried to be strong and not breakdown in front of his sisters , but he couldn't , he was a sobbing mess . Jay sent the girls to another room , sitting next to Louis , hugging him into her and whispering comforting words in his ear .

"Why aren't I good enough , mum ? What did I do ?"

Jay didn't know what to say , feeling her own tears gathering in her eyes but not letting them fall , feeling the need of being strong for Louis .

The boys texted him evey minute , asking if he was okay , Louis responded with one word answers , but when Harry called , he broke down and asked for him to come and hold him . Harry , who couldn't bear hearing his boyfriend in such a state , promised he would come as soon as he could .

But as the time passed , the boys got even busier than before , barely having the time to text Louis , who's state wasn't a lot better ; He was still barely eating , he got out of his flat only when he needed to clear his mind from over thinking things .


It was already Christmas , and Louis invited his family over to his place to celebrate . The last time he saw any of the boys was months ago , and he missed them like hell .

He wanted them all to come and hang out with him , even if it's a simple thing like watching a movie or dinner . He understood that they were busy and also wanted to see their families , but he felt alone .


"Hello , Jay ?"

"Harry ! Dear , it's so good to hear your voice again !"

"Thanks , Jay , it's nice talking to you again . But I actually called about Louis ."

"Of course you would , dear . What's up in your mind ?"

"Since Louis' birthday is coming soon , the boys and I want to surprise him on Christmas eve's morning . We already have the plan , and you should know too ."

"Oh , that's great ! So , tell me about it . Every detail ."


Louis woke up , there were people knocking on his door . He groaned and got up , throwing a hoodie over him and rubbing his eyes , stepping downstairs to the door , unlocking it and opening it , only to have two small girls attacking him in a hug , "Happy birthday !!"

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now