"You're such a good friend, I fucking love you!" she says.

"I love you too baby!" I shout back and as I'm going to hug her she presses her lips against mine, odd, but fun. We stand still and my hands gently goes up to her cheeks and the kiss turns intense. Our tounges intertwine but after a while we both start to laugh. I let go and we burst into laughter, I don't even know why. At the corner of my eye I see Michael looking at me out by the wall. I face him and he quirk his brow, bite his lip as he walks up to me. He's wearing his red cardigan so it doesn't look like he's ready for this party but it looks cozy as fuck. I put down my cup and Michael is standing with me. As I look up at him he bends down and whispers something in my ear that I can't repeat because of the loud music so I give him a nod as an answer because I have no urge to open my mouth right now. His arm goes around my shoulders and leads me upstairs and into a bedroom. I'm the last to walk in so I close the door and when I turn around he's sitting on the bed checking me out from top to toe. 

"That dress is sexy, but what's under it is even more." wow, he's turning me on so bad. I flip my hair from my back to the front and pull the zipper down slowly watching him. The material is smooth against my skin and it slides down. I'm wobbling over to Michael and lay on top of him. He grip my hips and our lips meets. My hands run through what is left of his red hair. Then something hit me, something is getting in the way. I release from Michael and I feel my eyes tearing up. Michael caresses my arms as he ask what's wrong but I stay quiet. Nothing comes out of my mouth, I can't do this. Luke is rushing trough my mind.

"I'm sorry." is all I can come up with and I grab my dress and run out before Michael even could answer. As I got out I try to find the nearest toilet and I'm only in my underwear but I don't give a fuck right now, I need a toilet. This house is enormous it's silly but finally I find one without anyone finding me. Quickly I walk in and lock it. I feel fucking sick. When I kissed Michael I only thought of Luke. I miss him so much it actually hurts, how the fuck could I ignore him for two days. All I want right now is for him to be here with me, holding me in his arms. I really do! How could I do that to him, ignoring his texts and calls. I'm such a horrible person. I don't even know if this is my drunk talk but I miss him so much. No words can describe how much I just want to get out of here. My breathings gets heavier and tears are running down my cheek. Without thinking I now have my phone in my hand and Luke's contact on the screen. I take deep breaths before pressing call. It's ringing and my heart begins to beat harder and harder, maybe he won't answer? Ofcourse he won't after that I've been ignoring him the last two days and he might be asleep. I sigh and I'm about to end it but suddenly I hear his voice. 

"Hello.." his voice is distant. 

"Luke! I'm so sorry, you may think I've been ignoring you these last days but.. Fine I have but I was so fucking stupid for doing it. I regret it so much. I miss you and please forgive me. " sobs break inbetween my words. It's quiet for a while. 

"Please say something Luke." my voice cracks. The bulge is growing in my throat, it hurts so fucking bad and the silence doesn't make it better. 

"I don't know what to say, I thought you liked me and yeah." he sighs.

"I do! I do like you a lot. It's so hard to explain, it has just been a weird time and I haven't been myself." I answer. The tears are running once again but I try to keep them in. "I need to see you. Now."

"Aren't you busy? I mean, it sounds like you're at a party or something." 

"Yeah but I can't be here, I wanna see you." it's quiet again. 

"Meet me at my house in half an hour." I finally say. 

"Okey.." debt in his voice sounds clear. But he has no choice right now. 

"Oh and by the way, don't ring on the bell or knock. I'll be by the door and letting you in, okey?" 

"Okey." he says and we say goodbye and hang up. I look at my dress that's lying on the floor, I pick it up and put it on again and I call for a cab. Before I walk out I look myself in the mirror and the mascara has been running a little so I wash it away. The door opens and I walk out looking around hoping I won't see Michael or the others. Some people are walking up the stairs and I twitch thinking it was them but thank god it wasn't. It's so good the stairs is in the hallway and close to the door. I pick up my phone to see the time, 1.30am. So the cab should be here now. I walk out of the door and I see a cab across the street. 

I finally reach home and after I pay the cab I see a blonde boy by the door with his hands in his pockets. He turns around when the cab drives away and sees me standing down by the street. I gulp and walk up to him. 

"Hi." he says and gives me an awkwardly hug. 

"Sorry I'm late." I say as we release and I lock up to the house and quietly we step inside. We don't say anything until we walk up to my room. I look at him while he's observing the room. He's so good looking it's annoying. But there is something different about him, he changed his hair. Before it was flat on his head and it went over the side of his forehead but now it's in a quiff. I absolute love it.

"I like what you've done to your hair." I break the silence and he looks at me. 

"Thank you, just trying somethine new I guess." I smile at him, but realize the deep talk is coming up now. 

"Okey so I guess I need to explain everything now." he sits down on my bed and I stand a bit away from him. He glares at me as he's waiting for me to talk, I sigh. 

"So, after I where with you Michael called me and had some trouble at a party..." my voice keep going and tell him what happened, that I slept with him and so on. My eyes isn't looking at him while I talk to him because I can't, I can't see how he reacts. But to be honest I don't think he will take it so seriously because it's not like we're in a realationship or something. "Maybe it isn't the right explantion to why I ignored you, I basically just told you what I've been doing." I hear a chuckle. That adorable chuckle that only Luke makes, which made my insides tighten. 

"But after I slept with Michael I somehow just started disliking you because I had, or have, a lot of feelings for you and I didn't know what I did or how I could do it. Until now I realized I can't go a day without hearing your voice, feeling your hands around me." I stop myself before I'm being too creepy. Great Miranda, now you're just scaring him off. "Sorry, that maybe where a lot to take in but what I just said it's real, just so you know. I know we haven't known eachother for such a long time. But there's something special about you that I can't take my words on." my eyes are still not looking at him but I see two legs approaching me. I finally look up and we switch eye contact. He's quiet but his hands rises and places on my cheeks. 

"I forgive you, because I really like you and I sort of can't stop thinking of you so-" I interupt him with meeting my lips against his, I couldn't wait any second longer. The soft lips against mine were all I ever could think of right now. He's so perfect and so cute. He doesn't even deserve me but I don't care because if he likes me then I'm happy and no one can take it away from me from now on. 

Betrayal || l.hМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя