Chapter 6

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Ashton, Michael and Calum is talking in the car while I'm staring out of the window and thinking of that memory. I feel a hand placing on my shoulder and I turn my face to Calum and I see him smiling at me, I answer it with a small smile. 

"Is there something you should tell us Miranda?" Ashton says looking at me through the driving mirror and my heart starts to beat fast. 

"I mean, you maybe didn't know but.. Noel has been bailed out of jail." he says with a low tone like if I didn't knew about it. I look down on my knees and picking my fingers. 

"I know." is all I can say. I feel all of their eyes on me.

"You know?" Michael says loud. I nod looking up at him. 

"Why the fuck didn't you tell us?"

"Let's just not talk about it right now." 

"Fine." Michael says and turns around. It's quiet until we drive onto the parking lot. 

"When and were is the party tonight?" Calum asks when we get out of the car. 

"My house, 7pm." Michael answers fast and walk in to the school with us behind. It's finally friday. I wish it was friday everyday. I'm saying goodbye to the others and walk to the lesson and meet Beth since we're going to take the same class. She asks me a lot about Noel but I ignore it. All I say back is that I really don't wanna talk about it, I really don't. She give me a worried look but turns her head towards the teacher. I put my elbow on the table with my head resting against my head through the rest of the lesson. 

The lesson is over and Beth and I says goodbye and we walk our separate ways. All I have in mind right now is not the crowded spaces in the corridors, it's Noel. What if he walks in here and mess things up, screams at me right in front of everybody. I thought I was over being afraid of him, but I'm not. He can look like an angel and make everyone think he is one but he's not, he's the completely opposite. 

I finally arrive to the classroom and spot Luke already sitting at our table..I mean the table

"Hey partner." Luke says when I reach the table. 

"Hi." I give him a smile. The teacher walks in and slams the door as I sit down. He's quiet for a minute and all the students are staring waiting for him to say something. All he does is pointing at our books and he write the chapters we're suppose to read on the board. I groan lightly at the idea of reading books. That's to most boring thing I know. It makes me more tired than I already am. But I look up the chapters in the book and start to read. 

I'm starting to get restless after two chapter, my fingers are picking on the table and my legs are shaking. I see Luke turn his head looking at me slowly from the corner of my eye. All I do is giving him a sorry smile and I can hear him giggle quietly into his book. The lesson walks by and we start to pack our books and stands up. 

"Hey Luke, Michael is having a party tonight and I'm just wondering if you would wanna come? I mean you're welcome if you want to." the words slipped out of my mouth.  

"Uhm, yeah that sounds fun." the doubts in his voice is clear but I ignore it and smile while writing down the address to Michael's house. 

"Great! See you there." I say and turn on my heels and walk out. Obviously he won't come, I heard it on his voice or maybe he will. Well I'll find that out tonight. 

Rest of the day goes pretty fast and Beth drives me home before the party. She's quiet while she drives, she always is. According to her she most not talk and only concentrate on the road. But she'll only do that some more weeks until she gets used to it. It's really annoying to be honest, It's not a very long ride home but I still need to talk. 

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