Chapter 4

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I drop my mascara to the ground and all memories from last year flashes through my mind. My mouth drops and anger raises inside of me.

"Have you missed me babe?" I repeat his words. "Is that all you're going to say when you just stomp right in here? And after what you did? What the hell!" he just stares at me with that stupid smirk on his face. "And when did you get out of jail, aren't you suppose to be in there for at least 2 years?" I try not to yell at him, I don't want to make a scene even if every piece in me wants to. I would probably not help it if this happened in the summer when I still was furious. Well I still am but I can control it for now.

"Dad bailed me out actually." he answers and sits down on the armchair in the corner. All I want to do is to slap his face and knock him in the cheek. But I stand still and breathes heavily. 

"How could he afford that? You killed someone, it must have been expens-.. Wait. Your dad?" he nods. His dad left his mom, him and his two younger sisters when he was about 6 years old and he never talked to them ever since.. now I guess. My stomach drops as the thought that he has met his dad after all these years. No stop, don't make him mess with your head. He's still an asshole and I can't believe he's in my bedroom when I told him loud and clear that I never wanted to see him again. 

"How the fuck did you get in here anyway? I told you to never speak to me again." my voice gets harsher after every word I say.

"Well you said you wouldn't talk to me again but what are you doing right now? Oh yeah, you're talking to me." he smirks at me and stands on his feets and walks slowly towards me. My eyes widens and I step back when he takes steps forward. The wall is blocking and I'm stuck as Noel is right in front of me and our hips is nearly touching. As I try to move aside he puts his hands against the wall in my shoulders height. I go under his arm but he grabs my wrist. His grip is to strong for me to shake it off. 

"Let me go or I swear I'll punch you!" he chuckles and pulls me closer to him. Is this a joke to him? He never takes anything seriously, I fucking hate him. He was in jail the whole summer and this is what he's doing when he sees me. What did I see in him anyway I remind myself. Oh right, his perfect looks that's what and probably his humor and how he could control me and my feelings, what the hell was wrong with me. How could I love that? It's the most disgusting thing you can do or it depends on what they are doing to you to be honest.. Well thank god I'm not that girl anymore. I put my palms against his muscular chest and he puts his hands on my waist. The door opens and Calum walks in. I breathe out in relief, finally someone can help me get this asshole out of here. But his eyes widens and I forgot how we were standing, my hands in Noel's chest and his on my hips. I let go and my hand is faster than my thoughts. His hands lets go of my hips and rubs his cheek. 

"What the fuck?" he yells. Seriously? He shouldn't be the mad one here. 

"My words exactly." Calum stares at Noel with an angry look but switch to look at me, confused. I back away from Noel as he stares at Calum. This can't end well. What am I suppose to do? He won't leave even if I threaten that I'll punch him. He never believes I will but this time I'm not joking. I already slapped him. They stay quiet and stares at each other. 

"Noel, you need to get out of this house now!" Calum breaks the silence and his voice is harsh, still standing by the door. Noel chuckles and looks at me. 

"I know she doesn't want me to go." he winks at me. Ugh I'm getting nauseous. 

"Could you just leave, how many times do I have to say I don't want you to talk to me anymore" I yell. He looks at me with his eyes narrow. With my eyes looking up at the ceiling wishing he would go I hear fast footsteps go through the door and disappear down the hallway. My head drops and Calum looks at me lifting his eyebrows. I shake my head as I don't want to explain right now. He nods and we both walks to the kitchen to have some breakfast. But I don't eat much as I'm scared of what Noel will do next, or maybe he finally listen to me and leaves me alone. On another thought he's Noel, he never leaves people alone he just want to keep messing around with people.

Me, Beth and Angie arrive to school in Beth's new drive. The ride was a bit quiet, or Beth and Angelina were talking the whole way and I sat in the back and didn't say a word. I should probably tell them about Noel but I'm not ready to talk about it though. Even if it wasn't such a big deal I just need to melt it down in my system before I can mention it. Hopefully Calum won't mention it later. 

We enter the building and go our separate ways, the first lesson for me and Beth is Spanish. The whole lesson we whisper to each other about the guy I always forget the name of that she's dating. They skyped yesterday and acted all cute, ugh I shouldn't be jealous but I am. After the lesson we say goodbye and I go to english class and meet Ashton by the door and the rest of the day floats on. 

At lunch Calum doesn't mention Noel which makes me relieved. Michael brags about the party he went to last night for the 30 minutes when we eat. 

"Okey we get it, you got laid a hundred of times shut up." Calum interrupts him and laughs. 

"Looks like someone is jealous. How's it going with nicole huh?" he smirks and Calum hummed.

Our last lesson and I'm alone at my chemistry class while the others have it together. How great I need to be with someone I barely know as a lab partner. I'm walking down the corridor and arrive to class. It's already full and everyone already has a partner, except for  one spot  next to a blond guy in the back. It's Luke. Ofcourse it's Luke. He looks up to me standing still by the door. I should probably go over there before it gets even more awkward. He follows my moves towards him. 

"Hi, does anyone sit here?" I say and he shakes his head while looking down on his hands. He moves his books which took a bit of my space on the table as I sit down. As Luke opened his mouth the professor walked in slamming the door. This guy seems nice, or not. He looks moody and wears a worn out jacket and blue pants that looks like those kind of pants builders are wearing, I giggle. Not really a trendsetter. He tells us that the person next us will be our lab partner for the rest of the year. Luke and I looks at each other and smiles. This should work, I hope. He seem nice. I stop listen to Mr. Johnson, which was his name, and looked more at Luke who had cut the eye contact to look forward instead. Today he had black jeans and a blue t shirt with a little pocket on the right side of the chest. He looks pretty hot to be honest. His head turns to me and I looks forward as fast as I can and ignore Luke's soft chuckle. THe rest of the lesson Mr. Johnson tells us what we're going to do this year. I already forgot all about it. Chemistry is probably the worst subject ever, it's worse than math. I'm crazy I know but that's the truth. When the lesson finally ends I say good bye to Luke and rush out through the door and out on the parking lot to wait for the others.

It's been 10 minutes since my lesson ended and their should also had ended now. We said we were going to met here after so I don't get why they're not here. I sigh and sit down on a bench in the parking lot. I'm bored and have nothing to do, where the hell are they? My eyes are searching through the schoolyard to see some familiar faces which isn't them. I jump out of my skin when I see a familiar muscular face in the parking lot walking out of his car. This is the last person I wanted to see. I stand up and hide behind Beth's car and see him walking by and in to the schoolyard. My heart races. What is he doing here? I'm actually scared, I don't even know why. Probably because he can cause a lot of chaos. I spot Luke walking to his car and I get this really weird and stupid idea. But I need to get out of here, I don't want to talk to Noel. I stand up and walk  towards to Luke and he catches my eye and looks confused. 

"This is going to sound really weird but could you give me a ride?" I say and look at Noel, his back is turned to us. I shrug at the sound of him giving me a ride but I don't know when the others are coming out and I can't wait any longer. 

"Uhm.. sure." he says with doubt in his voice and follows my eye and looks at Noel then back to me. I smile at him gratefully and he returns it and his dimples is popping up. Am I seriously doing this. He unlock his car. It's a black volvo, Luke has a black volvo? Who would have thought that. I jump in the front with him as the car starts rolling out of the parking lot.

Betrayal || l.hTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon