Chapter 2

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12 months ago, somewhere in California Nathaniel Dominique, tall, handsome as hell, blue eyed, high cheekbones, a well-sculptured body of a Greek god, checked his reflection. The bright platinum band shined in the reflection of his bathroom's light.

He sighed this was his last day of this case. " Finally " he muttered. Checking his reflection once again he wore his black lawyer's coat. The coat that brought fame, name and money but also weaved the dark Web around his life since he took the controversial case.

" I'm the best. I'm the best. I know I'm undefeated. I'm the most sought after. I can do this. " chanting to himself, he took off to his garage.

Opening the door of his new lamborgini aventador, he threw his black laptop bag at the back seat and took off to his destination.

A few hours later sitting in the court room with his colleagues he was nervous as hell but he knew he presented a better case of winning. The company he fought against had no way to get out of the scandal they created.

He knew he could win but at the last moment the defense brought up the indiscriminate evidence and he was thrown off.

Taking five minutes of break, he sat down and developed the newest strategy that could help him brighten his chances of winning . Finally he got his strategy revised and pounced on his prey aka the big shot companies and dented their defence.

Feeling a little better he waited for his fate. He didn't care what happened to those companies but he only wanted to win and bring the wrong under lime light.

He sighed, noticing he sighed a lot since he took this case. He squared his broad shoulders once again and looked smugly in the direction of the defense lawyer smirking at him. He would never give them a chance to see his nervousness.

The judge and jury arrived with the final decision. The court read the proceedings while he counted the minutes that appeared like hours and finally held his breath as the judge announced the decision.

He Won. Fair and square. He smirked once again in the direction of the defense. He picked up his bag and walked off with a spring in his walk.

He deserved a drink. He finally had won. He didn't care where they appealed but he won. Yet again.

He could imagine the headlines for the next day " Nathaniel charms the jury away yet again! Undefeated feat ".

He drove off in his car to his favourite bar.

What he didn't know was he would never reach it.

What he didn't know was his breaks had failed.

What he didn't know was his morning tea was spiked.

What he didn't know was a breathing attack attacking him right in the middle of the road and he could not stop his car.

A loud crash and everything went blank.

That was his last memory.

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