Chapter 3

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Those blue eyes were staring at me with an intensity that it felt like he could read my mind. Every thought that was crossing me was reflecting in his eyes.

I blinked. I had to. I felt naked staring into those crystal clear blue eyes, but I could still feel his stare burning holes into me.

I looked at him, wiping my tears away,  his stare was making it difficult for me to think anything but I had to.

" What is it? " I barked at him, too angry to let him affect me.

" Are.. You.. Ok...? " he asked in his deep velvety voice. It felt like someone pour honey on me. He seemed unsure of asking this but I could see his concern.

'Concern' that I didn't deserve I guess.

" Yea.  I guess " I answered looking away.

" What happended? " his voice brought me back from my deep thoughts.

"Ah. Nothing. Just life I guess " my voice was shaky.

" Tell me about it ah... You are lucky it happened to you Atleast.  For me it's just end of it. You know,  just over. " he answered with a far away look.

I was intrigued by his words. There was something about the way he said or maybe the words he uttered that my heart felt a jolt.

"What makes you say that?" I asked still unsure if I should ask or not.

"Death "

His one word blew me over. I could not breathe. I just could not comprehend the word he uttered.

"w..what....what? "

" Im dead. Not really but yes in worldly sense I'm dead. I want to go back to living. I want to live but I can't so if life is happening to you.  I guess you are lucky " he said looking into my eyes.

All I could see was the honesty in those blue eyes.  Maybe he was right. But wait did he was dead. Ok so now the unknown person was kidding me. Yes right.

Lucky day I guess being fooled by a lunatic. Ok handsome blue eyed lunatic.

I started laughing at him. He looked at me bewildered by my reaction.

"Ok mister. This isn't a joke. Stop fooling around "  I said laughing at him.

He looked at me, stood up and walked to where I was sitting.

I could not help but stare at his purposeful long strides. He was truly a beautiful specimen. Someone should tell him for such a pretty face he was being too mean.

But he stopped right where I was and touched me.

What I saw and felt was nothing like I ever imagined.

His touch was like a feather. Touched me but passed through me.

Now this was freaky. I was too stunned to do anything.

So I did what I could do the best.

I ran away. Away from Him.


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