Chapter 5

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Two months passed since Katara finally confessed her love to Aang and she couldn't be happier. They were almost inseparable now. The two lovers went on multiple dates and spent almost everyday with each other. Whenever they were separated, they would call or text each other. Katara worried at first that she would seem too clingy but to her surprise, Aang didn't mind it one bit.

When word spread that Katara and Aang were a couple it didn't come off as any surprise to the other students. They just figured it would have been a matter of time until those two got together. Although some girls would still glare at Katara, but she didn't care. Katara made sure that it was clear to those girls that Aang was off the market by touching and kissing him as much as she could right in front of them. Aang was finally hers and no one would take him away.

After what was another perfect date for her and Aang, Katara checked the mailbox. It was usually up to her to get the mail since her father worked a lot and Sokka would just forget to do it himself. She flipped through the stack of envelopes as she walked back into her house, so far it was just the usual mail until she noticed a red envelope with just her name on it.

'Strange...there isn't a return address on here.'

She threw the rest of the mail to a table and took the red envelope with her as she went up to her bedroom. Katara locked her bedroom door when she got in her room and opened the envelope. She took out the paper and it seemed to be a letter.

Dear Stupid Ugly Skank,

"That's just rude", Katara said to herself.

Aang doesn't belong to you. I don't care if you have been his best friend since you were kids, it doesn't mean he's your soulmate. I AM HIS SOULMATE! The only reason he is with you is because he doesn't know what you truly are. He doesn't know what kind of monster you will not have him for long. I'm coming for you!

-Aang's ACTUAL true love

'What the hell?! Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?', Katara was shaking with rage. Just when everything was going perfect in her life, this happens. Now she would have to be on guard again with another girl pining for Aang.

'What do they mean by "monster"? Sure, I killed Koko and On Ji but there's no way anyone could know what I did...right?'

Katara knew for a fact that no one saw her with Koko at the party. She also made sure that no one saw her kidnap On Ji at the parking lot. Did she slip up somehow? No way.

'Whoever wrote this is just bluffing. Looks like I'll have to kill another slut... damn it!'

Katara was already trying to lay low with her urge to kill skanks that were trying to take her love. Aang may finally be her boyfriend, and hopefully future husband, but it seemed like that fact won't deter whoever left her this letter. The authorities were still investigating On Ji's death and had yet to come up with any leads that could tie Katara with the murder. She made sure to burn everything that could have linked her with what happened.

To kill another harlot months after killing On Ji would just raise a lot of suspicion. The police could try to link the two deaths and the water bender couldn't risk that.

She needed to find out who this person was and deal with them personally, just like she did with the other girls.

"When I find out who this is, I'm going to tear them apart!", she stated to no one but herself. Katara was fuming until she heard her phone ringing.

"I'm bring sexy back (yeah)"

Aang was calling her. Katara accepted the call, eager to hear her boyfriend's voice.

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