Chapter 3

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TW: There is some torture in this chapter though not too much.

"Mommy?", an eight-year-old Katara called out to her mother.

"Yes sweetie?", Kya, her mother, turned to her from the garden she was tending too.

"What's it like to be in love?", Katara asked.

"Where is this coming from?", her mother asked.

"I see it a lot on tv and from the way you and daddy act, but I don't know what's like", the young water bender answered.

"Well from my own experience, being in love is one of the best feelings in the world. When you love someone like I love your father, you will do anything for that person.", her mother said.


"Yes sweetie."

"Will I be able to love someone like you love dad?", Katara asked.

"You're still too young to be worrying about anything like love.", her mother chuckled, "When you're older, I'll tell you much more about what it is to be in love.".

"Okay!", Katara jumped up to her mother and gave her a hug. Her mother was right, she could worry about love later and her mom will teach her when the time is right.

That time never came. Her mother died that year and Katara never got to learn more about love from her. Her talk with her mother on love never came up on her mind until after she had met Aang and Katara remembered what her mother had told her.

"When you love someone like I love your father, you will do anything for that person."

She would never forget those words. Katara knew for a fact that she loved Aang, and she was willing to do anything for him. Including killing those would dare get in the way of her love. She had already killed Koko and would have to do the same with On Ji.

Katara had kept an eye on the girl for a few days now, trying to see what On Ji's routine was like on a daily basis. When On Ji wasn't at school or home, she was at her barista job at the local Starbucks. Today On Ji was working until the closing time and Katara planned to take her when she clocked out. Tonight would be On Ji's last and she had no one to blame but herself.

The water bender made sure to disguise herself so that she wouldn't be recognized and waited in an Italian restaurant that was across from the Starbucks that On Ji worked at. Katara made sure to get a window seat so that she could see On Ji come out. She was eating a pasta with her eyes on the Starbucks until she noticed her phone vibrate on the table. It was a text message from her beloved Aang.

Hey Katara! Wanna hang out tonight?

Sorry Aang but I'm busy studying right now :(

Katara hated having to lie to Aang but she couldn't spend time with him. If she was to get On Ji out of the picture forever then she couldn't be with him tonight. It was now or never.

How about we study together then?

Aang, anytime we study together we barely get any work done lol

Lol true but we always have a good time.

We'll kick it together another time. I promise but right now I just want to get this over with. :)

Fasho, TTYL

The water bender put her phone down and felt guilty.

'Aang, my sweet angel, I'm so sorry for lying to you. I would love nothing more than to be with you right now, but I can't. If I don't kill On Ji tonight then she will just keep getting in the way of our love. She committed a sin and must be punished. I'm the only one that is allowed to kiss you and if that bitch thinks that she can get away with it then I'll prove her wrong. Once she's gone then things can get back to normal, back to just you and me.'

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