Chapter 11

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Sorry it took a while for me to post. I've been pretty busy with life. Hope you enjoy this final chapter of Yandere Katara!

Darkness, pitch black darkness.

That was all Hahn could see when he groggily opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was heading to his pickup truck after he finished working out at the town's local gym. As his senses came back to him, Hahn realized that his face was covered in a what seemed to be a black bag. He made a move to take it off, but his arms felt restricted behind him. All that he could tell was that he was sitting down on a metal folding chair. The more he moved, the more constricted his body felt. His chest and legs seemed to be tied to the chair and restricted his movements.

"What the fuck?!" he mumbled.

"Finally awake I see", a female voice giggled. Hahn turned his head towards the direction of the voice.

"Who are you?! Do you realize who you've kidnapped?", he barked. He then heard the sound of a chair skidding on the floor. Whoever held him captive plopped the chair in front of him and sat down.

"Trust me Hahn, I'm aware of who you are" she replied. Her voice sounded familiar to him.

"Your voice...I've heard it before." He said as he tried to match the voice in his mind.

"Here I thought all you cared for was looks. However, I shouldn't be surprised that I sound familiar to you."

Before Hahn could respond, the black bag was pulled off. The dim lights blinded him for a few seconds until his vision became clear. He saw a girl wearing a black robe standing in front of him with dark tan skin, long flowing chocolate like hair, and piercing blue eyes. He recognized her immediately.


"In the flesh" she smirked. She tossed the black bag to the side and Hahn took in his surroundings. The walls around them were made from earth. There was one tall lamp, which seemed to be solar powered, lighting up the area. From what he could tell, the two of them were in a earth tent that could hold a capacity of ten people in it at least. Katara sat back down on the chair across from him, still holding her smirk.

Hahn narrowed his eyes at her, "What the hell is going on?"

"I'm sure you believe that you're a smart guy Hahn. Why don't you figure it out?" Katara said, crossing her legs. He gazed upon her from top to bottom. The black robe she wore was small and gave him a good look at her long smooth legs. Katara rested her chin on her hand and leaned forward a little, revealing her cleavage to him.

"You're a kinky one" Hahn grinned smugly, "Looks like you've come to your senses"

"Oh, trust me. My senses were always clear." Katara said with a flirtatious tone.

"And what about your boyfriend?" Hahn asked. He still remembered the feeling of being nearly chocked to death by Aang.

"We aren't here to talk about him"

"Fine", Hahn attempted to wiggle out of his restraints, "How about untying these restraints and I can show you how a real man handles a woman?"

"No, we're going to keep those on you. I wouldn't want you moving too much after all", Katara winked as she stood up and pulled the string around her waist. Her robe loosened and fell to the ground. Hahn's eyes nearly bulged out as he gaped at what he saw. The water bender wore nothing but a blue bikini.

"Holy shit" was all he said as he admired her body. His smile grew wide as he imagined what he and her would be doing. He didn't expect this to happen, but he sure wasn't going to complain about it.

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