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     Life doesn't always go in the direction you expect it to go, sometimes it leads you to your destiny or sometimes you create your own destiny. When you're a kid you dream of being a doctor, lawyer, scientist, actor, singer or anything you want to be when you grow up.

      All I ever wanted was a family. A forever family that would love me unconditionally the way my parents did before they died. Life didn't work out that way.

     I woke up three days later in a hospital, the same hospital I spent so much time healing after fights with my husband. So many times, wishing that I could just not wake up and the nightmare of my life would finally be over, but I always woke up and I always went back to that life that I couldn't escape.

Dr. Stevens walked into the room after his wife nurse Susan told him I was awake.

Dr. Stevens gave me a concerned look, "You really scared us this time, I didn't think we would get you back."

I tried to speak.

"Don't try to talk you're on a ventilator" He walks over to me, "You can't keep living like this" He put a syringe into the ventilator and pushes medication in, then tells me "keep coughing" he starts to slide the tube out of my throat. "This is the worst he's ever done to you, and if you don't leave him now, the next time we see you will be in the morgue."

"What about the baby?" I asked him already knowing the answer.

"Lilith, I'm sorry" He put his hand on my shoulder "When you got to the ER the placenta detached from the uterine wall, she suffocated, and if it wasn't for your neighbor calling the ambulance you would have bled to death."

"I would like to be alone Dr. Stevens." I said to him trying to keep it together.

He turned around and started to walk towards the door.

"Thank you for saving my life." I said to him in a quiet voice.

"I wish I could have done more." He answered back as he closed the door.

I just broke down and started crying. The last time I cried this way was when I had my first miscarriage eight years ago. I haven't cried since until today.

I must have cried myself to sleep because I woke up when the door opened, and my neighbor Jackie walked into my room with her husband Ben.

With tears in her eyes she hugged me "Oh my God you're alive."

"All because of you Jackie." I hugged her back.

Ben looked me straight in the eye as he spoke "Christian is down at the information desk trying to find what room you are in. Dr. Stevens keeps having them switch your room number so he doesn't know what room you're in, but it will only last so long until he finds you." As he was speaking Dr. Stevens enters the room.

Dr. Stevens interrupted Ben while he was talking to me.

"I found a facility that we can send you to recover from your injuries. I put you under my wife's name so that Christian can't find out where I sent you, but after you heal, I don't know what else we can do for you."

"I'll be fine." I said with a shaky voice.

"You have a broken arm, dislocated shoulder, fractured foot and broken leg, along with internal breeding. Also bruising over 90% of your body, you are anything but fine. You are lucky to be alive."

Ben spoke up as Jackie held my hand "Once you are healed, I have a car I was going to sell, but I'm going to register it under my name and give it to you. We will fill it with blankets and food. We don't have a lot of money, but we can give you a hundred dollars and a metro-card with five trips on it from New Jersey to Penn Station in Manhattan."

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