'No,' she thought and shook her head. 'I'm here now. Let's just focus on the present.'

Adelia got out of bed and went out. She made her way to the fountain and sat at the edge, looking up at the night sky, clearing her head. After a few minutes passed by, she could hear footsteps approaching. She turned her attention to the approaching figure.

"Arkin?" she uttered. "What are you doing out?" she asked when Arkin was within hearing distance.

Arkin settled beside Adelia. "I wanted some fresh air," he answered and looked up at the starry night sky. "What are you doing here?" he redirected the question he got back to her.

"Me too," Adelia started as she turned her gaze back to the night sky. "I wanted some fresh air," she stated.

"How was your trip to the palace?" he asked.

"It was alright," she shrugged. "A bit exhausting."

"How was your prince?"

Adelia could feel herself almost wincing at Arkin's question.

"You mean the first prince," she corrected him and sighed. "The same as always."

"You really don't feel anything for the first prince anymore?"

Adelia shook her head. "I don't know," she replied honestly. "Who's feelings are you asking about?" she muttered.

Novel Adelia was in love with the first prince. Even now, the current Adelia could feel novel Adelia's feelings for the first prince through her body. It wasn't strong enough to have Adelia act on it, rather it was more like traces of feelings that novel Adelia had left behind as a reminder to Adelia. Current Adelia doesn't feel anything in particular for the first prince except for the occasional annoyance and irritation. Both novel Adelia and current Adelia is Adelia. They're the same existence and she had accepted that. Thanks to that, she didn't know how to answer Arkin's question. Because Adelia feels something and nothing for the first prince.

Arkin found Adelia's reply to his question weird. He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned forward, his elbows propped on top of his legs as he rested his chin on his clasped hands. He turned his attention from the sky to Adelia.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Adelia had change quite a bit after the memory loss incident. Arkin had also thought that Adelia tended to say weird things and behaved differently once in a while since then.

Adelia let out a smile. "It means I'm not sure," she answered.

Adelia's black hair swayed in the breeze as it blew past them. She had a small smile on her face. She looked at ease somehow despite the words of uncertainty of herself. Arkin stared at her in awestruck, as the moonlight casted over her.

"I'm glad," he blurted out in a voice that was barely a whisper.

Arkin didn't understand why he suddenly said that. His mouth spoke before he could stop them. He didn't know why he somehow felt relieved that Adelia was not sure of her feelings.

Adelia looked at Arkin, puzzled by his words. "Why do you say that?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Arkin's eyes widened slightly. "Uh.. because you're unsure about the first prince," he answered.

Adelia tilted her head, an action that signaled for him to explain further.

"... if you're unsure, there is a possibility that... you don't have feelings for the first prince anymore," he elaborated.

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