Part 11 : The Unexpected Kiss

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"I knew why you didn't answer my call. You're busy talking to a sexy girl." Camila said she was not happy.

"You called?" Lauren took out her phone and checked for Camila's texts. Camila noticed that Lauren was tipsy.

"Why are you here?" Lauren asked Camila.

"You're not happy seeing me here? Or I ruin your fun with the girl." Camila was not angry with Lauren when she knew Lauren was tipsy.

"No, I am happy you are here, Camz. I didn't know anybody here, thinking to leave." Lauren laid her head on Camila's shoulder. Camila smiled.

"Didn't look like it. You were talking to a sexy girl." Camila teased Lauren.

"Oh, she came and talk to me fifteen minute ago , I could not say no, could I?"

"Yea...she is pretty and sexy, hard to say no."Camila saw that girl who was not only pretty but also hot.

"Yea...but you are more beautiful..." Lauren said. It made Camila blush.

"How many you drink?" Camila knew Lauren might be too drunk to say that.

"Two. This is the third one." Lauren said looking at the glass she hold.

"Okay, no more," Camila asked her to stop drinking, and took away her glass and put it on the table in front of them. Camila knew Lauren could not drink much. Two was enough to make her tipsy.

"Okay." Lauren agreed and she was so sweet and Camila wanted to squeezed her.


They were sitting there waiting for the countdown and fireworks. Camila gave two bottles of water to Lauren. Camila made her drink the whole bottle of water. She didn't want Lauren to get drunk. It was still thirty minutes to the countdown. They just sat there with Lauren's head still on Camila's right shoulder, and her right hand was holding a bottle of water. Camila left hand was playing with Lauren left hand which was on Camila's lap, while answering Lauren's questions.

"Your parents let you go , Camz?" Lauren asked.

"Yea... after dinner, I felt bored. I told my parents I would come here with Niall. So they are fine with it. They just warn me not to get drunk." Camila told Lauren.

"A baby girl..." Camila was smiling thinking a little tipsy Lauren was cute and sweet.

"Do you come here to find me?" Lauren asked


"You miss me?"

"Yea..." Camila was all smiles.

"That girl is trying to kiss me."

"I saw that."

"Good you come. you saved me."

Camila chuckled, "Why, she is hot."

"Nah, I am not kissing a girl."

"Oh..." Camila's smile faded away.



"You smell so good."

"You, too,. Lolo."


Lauren kept on asking and saying something she might not say it if she was not tipsy. The countdown was here, they were sitting there counting down with the rest of the people.

"5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Year." They both counted and shouted together. They hugged each other tightly.

"Happy New Year....Camz....."

"Happy New Year.....Lo...."

A minute passed by, but nobody let go, they stayed hugging.

"I am so happy, I have you in L.A, Camz..." Lauren said.

"Me, too..." Lauren's words warmed Camila's heart.

They finally let go slowly and their eyes met. It was the first time they were staring into each other's eyes for a long time. The green eyes finally looked into the brown eyes. Camila looked at Lauren's lips, and she bit her own lips when Lauren looked at hers. They looked at each other's eyes again. Camila got closer, and she didn't kiss Lauren. Camila wanted Lauren to meet her in the middle. They kept on staring each other's eyes and lips until Lauren gave in and brought herself to meet Camila in the middle, and their lips finally touched. They kissed slowly enjoying each other's taste. The kiss was so slow and gentle giving them a feeling they both never felt before.

Camila brought her hand to Lauren's neck. The kiss got deeper and more passionate, Camila moaned and Lauren stopped the kiss. She looked at Camila. Lauren looked shocked, "What are we doing, Camz?" Lauren shook her head.

"Lo, it's fine..." Camila said. She could see Lauren didn't like it. Her face was scared.

"No, no, Camz. We can't do this. You are my friend.... I am...I am no...." Lauren stood up, "I am going to the bathroom." By saying that, Lauren left Camila running into the house.

Camila wanted a New Year Eve kiss with someone she loved, but she didn't plan this kiss. She came here only thinking to spend time with Lauren. It happened just like that. None of them expected that it would happen. Camila was sad looking at Lauren who was shocked and didn't like the kiss. She run into the house looking for Lauren. She was searching around but she didn't find Lauren. She tried to call Lauren but she didn't pick up.

Camila found Niall. She told Niall she wanted to go home. Niall still wanted to stay longer so he let Camila take his car. Camila left the party alone. When she got into the car, she let the tears that she had been holding, fall down. Camila didn't go back to her parents' house, but her penthouse. Camila wanted to be alone. She texted her parents and Niall that she returned to her penthouse as she was too tired to drive to their place. She went to her bedroom and she was crying until she fell asleep.

On the other side, Lauren was running all the way home after she left the party. She didn't even go to the bathroom as she told Camila when she left Camila there. She just left the party straight away. Lauren was all confused with everything just happened. She was angry. She hated herself. She was confused. She was so mad with herself as she just kissed her friend, Camila. She didn't stop it. She hated herself for kissing a girl. She was confused at the same time , as she liked the kiss as she felt something that she never felt before.

Lauren didn't know how to think and what to think. She wanted to call Lucy . She needed her but it was in the middle of the night and it was New Year Eve. She didn't want to ruin Lucy's night. She was thinking, it was enough that her New Year Eve was ruined. She was running all the way home and crying, and didn't realize Camila was calling her.

When Lauren reached her apartment, she was sweating. Her face was red and her heart was beating fast. She was still in tears. She went to her room and took off her clothes. She sat down on the floor crying and thinking. After awhile, she went to the bathroom and took a shower. She went to bed and tried to get some sleep. She sent a text to her parents telling them she was not drunk and she was at home. She didn't check the message from Camila. She would check it tomorrow. She needed a sleep and she needed to talk to Lucy tomorrow. She fell asleep with mix feelings.

Both Lauren and Camila enjoyed the kiss. Camila always wanted to kiss Lauren since she was aware that her feeling towards Lauren was getting intense. She was thinking if she ever got a chance to kiss Lauren. How good it would be and how their lips could fit into each other. Camila didn't force the kiss. She indeed made the first move to get closer, but Lauren met her in the middle. This unexpected New Year Eve kiss should have ended in a wonderful way, but it didn't. Lauren was panic. Camila was sad. After this New Year Eve kiss, Lauren was feeling lost, and Camila was feeling sorrowful.

My First Real Girl Crush ** (Camren)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant