10- Getting lost

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You did get the nap you wanted, but when you awoke you weren't sure where you were...

It was a dark room, cold and desolate and you couldn't see anything other than your hands in front of you. You were sat on the floor, pulling your knees up to your chest as you grit your teeth. It was freezing, and you were scared, pushing yourself backwards until your back hit the wall.

"Hello?" You called out, hoping someone else was with you,

Nobody responded, and you forced yourself to stand, your legs were weak beneath you. You put your hands out in front of you as you walked, feeling for something, anything in the room. There was nothing aside from a door on the far wall, which was locked. You pulled on it desperately, hearing it rattle, echoing loudly.

The room wasn't very big, but the emptiness made it feel limitless as you sat down in one of the corners. You felt so trapped, but also overwhelmed by the sheer loneliness of your surroundings. It occurred to you that this was no accident, somebody had done this to you, locking you inside. To starve? To die? You knew you had probably upset more than a few of the barmen back home, but this was something special.

You felt like crying, realising that this could very much be the end of you. Nobody would notice that you were missing, nobody back in the slums, not even anyone in the Temple. Obi-Wan would probably think you had just gone home, and he wouldn't go looking for you. You were going to die in this room, and nobody would even know. You hugged your knees, lowering your head in order to muffle your sobs. You had never been one for crying, and even now you automatically tried to stem the flow of tears.

What time was it? How long had you slept? Who had done this? You thought back to the medical room, the way Obi-Wan had promised you would not be hurt again. He was so certain, and you had believed him, but now you were lost and he wasn't coming to save you.


Meanwhile, Obi-Wan was on his way back to the medical room. It had been a couple of hours since he had last heard from you, and you weren't anywhere to be found. He had checked the canteen, the training room, he had even asked Master Fisto if he had seen you- he hadn't.

He opened the door to the medical room and frowned when all the beds were empty. The one you had been sleeping in was still messy from where you had laid, but there was no sign of you. Anxiety was starting to flutter around in his chest, and his stomach dropped when the medical droid said they hadn't discharged you. He left the room, his entire body weakening with your disappearance.

The force seemed to be crying out, as if Obi-Wan had to find you. The force was demanding he went looking, making him feel more unwell with each second he wasted. Where were you? He decided meditation was in order to clear his mind of his growing nerves. His footsteps echoed off of the empty halls, and he quickened his pace, trying to escape the loneliness that you had filled. He felt stupid, how long had you known each other? Not long, and yet he was determined to find you, he wasn't sure why you had such an affect on him.

The meditation room was already occupied by Master Yoda, which made Obi-Wan even more anxious. Would Yoda sense his thoughts about you? He tried not to think about that as he sat down and closed his eyes, instead focusing on his breathing. Yoda was an immense presence beside him, and he found himself struggling.

"Your friend, you are worried about her." Yoda spoke suddenly, still sat with his eyes shut,

"I can't find her,"

"Home, maybe she went."

"No, she would have told me."

"What makes you so sure?" Yoda finally opened his eyes to see Obi-Wan was already looking at him, "Her own person, she is."

"I can sense she is in trouble, I feel as if I have to find her." Obi-Wan confessed, running a single hand through his hair.

Yoda hummed, "Finding it difficult to understand, are you?"

"Master Yoda, I've never felt so worried about someone before."

"Give you the answer, I cannot. Meditate, you must."

"I can't, all I can think about is Y/N."

"Good." Yoda got up, hobbling over to the door, "That is the idea, is it not?"

Obi-Wan remained silent, closing his eyes again. You refused to leave him, and he couldn't control his anxieties for much longer. Meditation didn't help with finding you, but it did make Obi-Wan ponder about why he cared so much, something he wanted to think about after finding you first.


It was difficult to sleep on the cold, hard floor, but you didn't have much else to do. You felt hungry, and weak, and completely helpless. The thought that nobody would even notice your absence brought yet more tears to your eyes and sleep seemed the only escape. You curled up, trying to retain body heat, teeth chattering as your forced your mind to shut off.

You slept in small amounts, waking and falling back asleep several times. Your body no longer tired, but your other pains growing more persistent. With each sleep, the idea that someone might be looking for you grew less and less likely, and the reality that you were alone grew more and more painful.

After what must have been hours, there was a noise, one not caused by you. You scrambled to your feet, when the door opened just a crack and somebody stepped inside. They hushed you, and you could make out the rough shape of a tray in their hands.

"Who are you?" You asked, raising your hands in case they tried to hurt you.

"Y/N." They ignited their lightsabre with one hand, still holding the tray in the other. The light illuminated their face. You froze.

"Master Skywalker?!"

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