31- Runaway

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The cold air tugs at your clothes, biting at your cheeks and the tips of your ears. People are still milling about, and the lights are blinding as you walk the streets. Obi-Wan and Anakin have removed their cloaks, carrying them by their sides, and the three of you settle on a bar to stop in. The air is perfumed, and glitter dances around, settling on your skin. The lights are golden, and your skin glows lightly under them. Obi-Wan orders drinks for you all, and you sit at a booth near the back. You watch a twi-lek dance on a platform, dressed in silver and rich blue fabric. Men toss credits at their feet, but their skin is marked and bruised, barely hidden with makeup. Fingerprints are indented on their shoulders, wrists, around their neck. You avert your gaze as a man drags them away into a backroom, knowing only more marks will have appeared when the two return.

"It's a cruel business," Obi-Wan says as he passes you your drink, "But if they keep working, they might one day get away." 

"Why do they stay here?"

"They have no choice."

You pause, "You mean.. they're a slave?"

Anakin distracts you with a hand on your shoulder, "Try not to think about it, they were probably brought here from elsewhere."


"Leave it." Anakin is staring at them, but you can't place what he's feeling.

Obi-Wan coughs, "It's been a while since we've had the chance to properly relax, let's enjoy the time we have." He thinks it over for a moment, "There's a nice spot around here somewhere, we can go there next."

It's a forced smile, the one he gives you, but you try not to think about it. You nod,



Another bar, another round. Rain has begun to spit from the stars, and people hurry inside buildings, the hair that took them hours to perfect is ruined and wet patches are appearing on their clothes. Obi-Wan offers you his cloak,  wrapping the worn fabric over your shoulders, pulling the hood up to shelter you. You sigh, letting the warmth and the scent of Obi-Wan surround you. Now, the streets are nearly deserted, and you drift closer to his side, wary but not afraid. Obi-Wan dares to let his knuckles brush against yours, but your fingers never intwine, too shy to truly connect in the open streets of the city. The buildings smother you, looming over, the city has eyes, ears everywhere listening for the secrets and sins of the people. You are never truly safe, and you know Obi-Wan knows that too. So he never holds your hand, never lets his eyes linger on your face, on your figure that is hidden by his cloak. Anakin guides the two of you into another bar and you sit at a table with another sigh, followed by a small yawn.

"Are you getting tired? We can go back soon." Obi-Wan sits beside you

"Hmm, it's been a while since I went out like this." You yawn again, "I'm not used to it anymore."

"Me neither," He admits, "And truthfully I would like to go back."

You look around, nobody is paying you any mind. Anakin is still waiting to order. You smile, and Obi-Wan catches your meaning,

"You mean?"

"Come on, let's go." You grab his wrist and pull him to his feet. As soon as he's up, you're running out of the bar. 

Obi-Wan tears his hand free, but he's quick behind you. The rain is pouring now, fresh, clean water. Untainted as it washes over you. It was raining, the second time you met him, and you were running then, like you were now. It's funny, how life works in circles, how things repeat, how nothing is ever new. Your heart is pounding, your feet slide on the wet pavement, your face feels hot, and the hood slips off of your head, exposing you to the elements. You feel safe, turning a corner just a little too quickly, safe knowing that fate brought you here. You were destined to end up here, end up with him. And as the elevator door slides shut, you pull Obi-Wan in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around him, knowing this was meant to be.

You collapse rather ungracefully onto the bed. Obi-Wan shuts the door and leans against it, laughing between his deep breaths.

"It really has been a while."

"I've missed this," You admit, "Doing something dangerous, something careless." 

"You- You're rather good at it, aren't you?"

"I've had a lot of practice." 

Obi-Wan sits beside you on the bed, his hand stokes up the back of your neck and begins to play with your hair. You lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder,

"Do you think... do you think we'll be able to tell people one day?" You rub the fabric of his cloak, wondering how many battles it has seen. Obi-Wan sighs,

"I don't know, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, but I would like to."

"Me too." He holds you tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "Maybe not in Coruscant... but..."

"Hmm? What are you thinking about?"

"Maybe somewhere else. I don't think I want to stay here forever."

"What about the council?"

Obi-Wan shrugs, "I suppose I can always run away, but I want to see Anakin get made a master first. He really wants to be one, and I promised myself I would live to see that day."

"And then?"

"Maybe I'll leave, and I'll bring you with me, if you would like to come."

"But where would we go?"

Obi-Wan's arm wraps around your waist, his fingers dancing on your skin, mindlessly drawing shapes and swirls, "It doesn't matter where." He says, finally, "It only matters that I get to sleep every-night with you by my side. That is home enough."  

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