07- It must be fate

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A/N: This chapter is a little longer, and I'm hoping that the rest will be a similar length. Also, someone on ao3 recommended this idea, so I hope I did it justice! :) xx

It wouldn't be long until you and Obi-Wan saw each other again. You thought you saw him sometimes, as you sat alone at the bar or table somewhere. You would see somebody who at the very least looked an awful lot like him. You could never be sure if it was Obi-Wan, and you weren't keen on the idea of going over and asking.

You knew Obi-Wan was embarrassed by his habit, running away to a bar and drinking hardly seemed the type of thing the Jedi allowed- let alone encouraged. He was ashamed that he needed those drinks, but you didn't see it as a real problem. He didn't rely on alcohol as such, in fact he could function perfectly without it, but it made him feel normal. People drank, people went out and did imperfect things- they made mistakes. Obi-Wan was not allowed the privilege of such things, so he pretended. You had seen it before in others, and you had seen the shame in his eyes that time when you met and he saved you.

It was an odd habit of yours, but your curiosity grew the more you thought of the Jedi. You had to know all about him, and his secrets. Not for blackmail or for any reason at all, but because you wanted to listen. He was an interesting person, and his actions were even more curious- both the Jedi business and the drinking. You had never met anyone other than those from the same strand of life than you, and you knew far too much about that. Sometimes a clone soldier would end up in a bar, but they never stayed long, much too put off by the smell or the other patrons. Obi-Wan was so different, and yet you felt connected to him in some way, like you fit together despite being opposites.


Had you known any better, you might have avoided going out that night. It was raining, which was rare enough, but the rain actually managed to weave through the tangle of buildings above and reach you, which was stranger. Some might have called it a bad omen, you called it refreshing. It was still warm, however, and the droplets of water hit your skin beautifully, shining in the green and orange hues of the underworld and making you glisten. You felt oddly calm, so calm that you didn't see the bundle of robes as you entered the bar.

You were so mesmerised by the weather as you ordered your drink, you couldn't get the feel of the rain off your mind. You were sat a few stools away from them, and you could barely make out their voice- though it certainly sounded agitated.

"I don't need to pay for my drinks," They muttered, hand waving across their face. Were you any more observant, you would've recognised the gesture.

"No! You have to pay!" The barman replied, slamming down the glass they were drying with a rag.

"I don't need to pay for my drinks," They tried again, voice more strict. You watched the two curiously, but you still didn't put two and two together.

"You do! What do you think you're doing?"

The tensions seemed to be rising, and the man turned to leave, his half-finished drink abandoned on the bar. You thought that was the end of it, until the barman followed him outside.

"You! Stop!"

You got up hurriedly, leaving your own drink to watch. It was still raining, and the figure was now running away, easily dodging the confused onlookers that had stopped walking to witness what was happening. The barman was growling something in their native tongue, and  after the man refused to stop, began chasing them. Despite being sloppy in their navigation, the barman was fast and was soon catching up.

Maybe you should have left it, gone back to your drink and waited for the alcohol to cause you to forget, but you didn't. Instead you held your bag tightly and followed in pursuit, the rain still spitting above. You were used to running, and whilst you weren't the most physically fit, you still managed to keep both the barman and the robed figure in sight.

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