29- Cursed room

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Anakin cursed as the door to your hotel room slammed behind him. You, him and Obi-Wan stood in your room. Nobody really knew what to say. You felt guilty, it was your fault really, that this all happened. The lightsaber, it had been right there, in your hand. You could've stopped them, but you didn't. You had hesitated, and they had escaped.

You looked at Obi-Wan, he had hesitated too, hadn't he? You remembered how he looked, poised, ready to kill, but he didn't. Why did he stop? He met your gaze and looked away before you could do anything.

Anakin had snatched the lightsaber from your hands shortly after they had escaped. He hadn't said anything, only took it from you and put it back in its rightful place. Then you had walked back in silence, nobody dared to speak until you got back to the room and Anakin cursed as he slammed the door.

And then it was silent again. 

"We could always go back?" You offered. 

"No, they'll be in hiding now," Obi-Wan stroked his beard thoughtfully, "And even if we did find them, they'd only recognise us and run away again."

You sat down on the bed. The bag of the supplies sat by your feet. You kicked it, annoyed.

"This is pointless, standing around. Y/N's right, let's just chase after them!"

"No, Anakin, let's not. Think about it, there has to be a better plan." Obi-Wan put a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off. 

"If you're not going, I'll go on my own."

Obi-Wan frowned, "No, you won't. You don't know your way around this place well enough. You'll only get lost." 

Anakin gave up, easier than you thought he would. His eyes were dark with determination, and you could tell he was itching for a chase, for a proper fight. You sighed quietly and rested your elbows on your knees so you could put your head in your hands.

"It's useless." You said, "Master Windu will be furious."

"The Separatists are a difficult lot, this is not our first defeat and it will not be our last." Obi-Wan sat beside you on the bed. With one hand he rubbed your back, it was a friendly gesture, and oddly comforting. You sighed again.

"We could always.. just not tell him." Anakin's voice was hushed, like he was telling you both a secret. 

"Anakin! Are you proposing that we.."

"Lie?" You finished Obi-Wan's sentence for him.

"We could always say we found no trace of Separatist activity, or at least we couldn't find who was behind it. You've got to admit, it's better than saying we let them get away." He was smiling now, and Obi-Wan hummed beside you.

"This is a bad idea Anakin..."

"He'll never know, Master."

"...But we all will."

"We all have our secrets." Anakin's smile grew wider. You thought you knew what he was referring to, but then he said, "Don't we, Master?"

"I don't know what you mean." Obi-Wan tensed. The air was thick, yet fragile. You could feel it breaking when Anakin spoke again.

"I know what you two did." He said finally, "I saw you both."

The tension shattered. It exploded, then and there. Obi-Wan gasped, then shivered, and then stood up quite suddenly to leave.

"Do you deny it Master?" Anakin said, blocking the door.

"Anakin, move." 

"You're secret is safe with me, like I said, we all have secrets."

Obi-Wan didn't have it in him to push past. He was weak, and trembling slightly. You got up and went to his side.

"Are you alright?" You asked, helping him back to the bed where he collapsed onto it. He really was shaking quite badly now. You held him up, wrapping your arms around him, 

"Master, relax, it's ok."

"No it isn't!" Obi-Wan's voice shook. "It's not ok, it never was ok. I- I broke the code. I failed, I'm no longer a Jedi."

You held him tighter, trying to wish the two of you out of this cursed room. 

"Of course you're still a Jedi, you can use the Force, can't you?"

Obi-Wan nodded, which made Anakin chuckle.

"I learned long ago, that this sort of thing doesn't stop you from being a Jedi. The council might not like it, but the Force cannot be stopped by some kiss," 

Obi-Wan moved away from your touch, and you let him. His cheeks were tear stained, his eyes red. He looked at you and smiled, lip trembling as he did so.

"Is she worth a few lies, Master?"

"Of- Of course she is."

"Then stop worrying about it." Anakin made it sound so easy, and maybe it was for him. He was used to this, lying, deceiving. He had kept his marriage a secret from everyone, except you, even his Master didn't know for certain. One kiss, that was all it was, the two of you weren't exactly official or anything. It was one kiss, a few words as well. To Anakin that was nothing.

To you and Obi-Wan, it was everything. 

Obi-Wan dried his tears on his sleeve, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Anakin was still smiling, of course he was. You did your best to find it annoying, but for some reason you couldn't. 

"I care about you, Master."

"Likewise, my Padawan." Obi-Wan chuckled, "You're right, we won't tell Master Windu what happened."

"We won't tell him a lot of what happened on this trip." You added, smiling too.

Obi-Wan nodded, taking your hand, "What the council don't know can't hurt them."

Without The Force ~Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن