13. So Much Angst

Start from the beginning

And now, with her laying beside him, cradled in his arms, weak and vulnerable, he couldn't help but look down at her tear streaked face-

And feel.

-Little Rebel-

You awoke alone in that bed every morning, sprawled on the sheets with your hair spread across the pillow you clutched, you got up and dressed for the day, sliding into your sleek outfit that you had grown to love and as you tied your boots with your back to the door you heard it slide open.

Expecting Ap'lek who usually dropped by at this time to take you to breakfast you turned to see Kylo, blocking the white light from the hall and casting a shadow long enough to caress your booted feet.

You shuffled, his silence made you uncomfortable, the strange transitions between day and night were always difficult with him, the affection he granted you and night was no were to be seen during the artificial light of day.

"Supreme Leader" You greeted, sarcasm already coating your voice "What a honour to have you grace my with your presence so early in the day"

"It's lunchtime, Little Rebel" He had that stupid mask on, and the black cape flowing over his shoulders.

You clapped a hand to your mouth, walking towards him. "You let me sleep in!"

"How could I disturb you when you were sleeping so well" He took steps towards you too,

"Don't patronise me" You sighed

He reached out to brush where the blaster shot had carved into your arm, his eyes not meeting yours when he asked "How is you arm?"

"Its fine, you know it's fine" you said, subtly moving back where he touched you.

It was strange, you were just about comfortable with him holding you in bed, but it was out of necessity. For him to try and do so outside of that cocoon, that safe space, it felt uncomfortable.

And yet somewhere in the back of your mind you craved it.

"So what brings you here, I'm sure you have Supremely Leadery things to be doing" You brought a strained smile to your face in attempt to deflect.

"I want to show you something" He said, you looked to his mask, searching for where his eyes would be, and nodded slightly.

You took up your place beside Kylo Ren during the walk there, half a pace behind him, the massless Knight- Thats what the Stormtroopers called you, and they feared you.

And you revelled in it.

The only sound was the thudding of your boots on the shiny floors and the mulling of the military around you.

Sometimes you liked to imagine badass music accompanying you, a kind of instrumental soundtrack to Kylo's reign of terror, with you just tagging along.

You walked in silence until you arrived in some form of control room, the officers were sat in two sunken pits either side of a bridge running through to a platform, it was an impressive room, enough to make your eyes widen a little as you took it in. As you walked inside all personnel stood to attention, their eyes flickering between the two of you. They all had stations, full of blinking buttons and levers, it reminded you of the broken control sets parents gave babies to fiddle with, you supposed this wasn't particularly different.

And even from on the bridge you could see the fear in their eyes.

The Supreme Leader didn't even register them, and they resumed their tasks as you both reached the end of the bridge, and as you looked up from the you were met with a view.

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