Chapter 18: All In My Head

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       "Alright, but don't try anything funny!" Jimin bickered and finally laid down right by the alpha.

       Jimin's face grew red as he inhaled Jungkook's strong scent that allured the omega even more. Jungkook noted how shy Jimin was at first, so the alpha took it upon himself to finally hug the smaller omega. The two cuddled over the white coat; filling each other's space with their gentle breathing that fell in sync, and their own scents mixing into one.

       "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered softly against the smaller omega's ear. "What are you thinking about?"

       "I... I was thinking, what if my father found me like this?" Jimin murmured and pressed his forehead against Jungkook's chest. "He would blow up! Ah, but, this feels right."

       Jungkook looked down to see how the omega stuck onto him, he felt his worries slip away and his eyes close at the sound of Jimin's gentle breathing like a soothing lullaby. He pulled the beautiful omega into his arms and smiled to himself, only longing to speak to his swan without opening his eyes just so he could embrace the beautiful sounds of nature itself.

      "All of those thoughts... It was all in my head," Jungkook whispered and felt Jimin move his head into a nod. "I need this... I need you... this feels right and I feel safe right here with you," the boy continued as he then felt himself slipping away into slumber as his thoughts were completely muted.

      Just as Jungkook began to sleep, Jimin ran his gaze along the creases of Jungkook's slightly tanned chest and let out a sigh. "Is this how it is? Being with someone who longed for love, and hearing them doubt what they have? Oh, Jungkook... You're killing yourself over this... Why can't you focus on the brighter side of things? Are you... growing obsessed with the idea of love?" Jimin thought and slid his hand down the side of Jungkook's exposed torso. "For a man that owns everything, you're a confusing man when it comes down to things you want."

      Their careful embrace remained pure within their gentle contact. Jimin ran his fingertips along the firm creases to Jungkook's ribs and closed his eyes right after. The king felt the soft and warm fingertips of his lover, dancing above his skin. Deep down, Jungkook still wondered what Jimin thought about the situation. He understood how worried his swan truly was, but of course, he couldn't help but to think if Jimin had more to say about his actions. Just as desperate and obsessive the king sadly became to be, he tended to overthink everything.

      As the alpha finally began to sleep with his omega contained in his clutches, morning slipped them by like rain racing down the leaves of a tree. It wasn't until after a long rest, Jungkook woke up to see Jimin setting up another small picnic over the red silk blanket he promised to bring sooner.

     "Jimin, did you... leave?"

     "Only to bring a few things from home, it's midday now," Jimin replied and watched the king rub his eyes; still feeling groggy from the long rest he shared with the omega. "You're a heavy sleeper!"

      "Ah, Jimin, I didn't expect you to leave me so you could bring us these things, did you forget that I have more meals in a day?"

      "It doesn't matter how many meals you have in a day, I will still bring you something when you are outside of the palace. You need to eat," Jimin mentioned and began to set out porcelain bowls to serve stew once more. "I know we've had this before, but I couldn't think of any other dish to have my servants make. I was in a hurry since my Mother and Father stepped out for business reasons."

       "You're very fortunate, you're never caught."

       "I've been caught before, but I lie saying I've been with one of my friends. They don't dare to question me since I never stop talking in an argument. Of course, I've had my moments of silence but that was before I had my heat. Now, I don't care anymore..."

     "You can't say that, having it in the wrong place at the wrong time is a scary thing for you. Please don't provoke it any further. I want to keep you safe," Jungkook whispered as he watched another beautiful smile reveal before his very eyes. "I don't want to see you hurt..."

       "I can say the same thing about you too, I didn't want to see you risking every night of sleep or starving because of some negative thoughts you should ignore. I worry about you and if anything, I want to be there for you too!" Jimin said, looking up to see the young king making his way onto the red silk blanket set out for the two of them. "I know you've been hurt before and it's hard to love when you've been searching for it for so long, but you need to look at the bright side."

       Jungkook sat and listened to the omega; silencing himself almost instantly, he knew he shouldn't have doubted anything between them, but he couldn't help it. Jimin was right, the king's desperate yearn for love had him paranoid especially after Yoongi's words. The matter of if or when scared Jungkook to the point where the obsessive thoughts of letting Jimin go, kept him up all night.

      Jimin glanced at the king as he was engulfed in silence at the moment, the omega then let out a sigh and looked at the king in worry.

     "Do you think I would hurt you? Do you think I would leave you like that other omega?" Jimin questioned the king and let out a scoff. "You know me better than that..."

     "I'm sorry... I can't help but to fear the worst. I am very desperate, scared, cautious..." Jungkook added on and looked away, feeling embarrassed he had to confront Jimin like this. "I want to look at the brighter side of things... I really do, but I get so attached, I begin to wonder and it scares me."

      The young and beautiful swan then stood up and approached the alpha to hug him. As he stood, Jimin pressed Jungkook's head against his body as he carefully soothed his head from the endless thoughts that slipped into his mind.

     Jimin couldn't understand how difficult it was to get rid of negative thoughts so easily, but he had to understand that his king was different when he approached affection that was never given to him before. It was like love, it was a gift given by both sides, yet Jungkook was never given the same affection in return before. That was what made him desperate for true love after manipulation and it also made him fear the worst when it was all too true.

The King's Swan | Jikook |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz