"Hey there Dad!" James greeted his father happily. "What's up?"

Hermione then took hold of Harry's mirror and said, "One problem: Draco suddenly disappeared!"

"Disappeared?" James asked, raising a brow.

"Yes," said Harry, now holding the mirror, "disappeared mysteriously."

James laughed so hard that he evem snorted.

"JAMES!!" Harry roared.

"Sorry Dad." said James trying to restrain his laughter but he couldn't.

"Listen, young man, there is nothing funny about Draco suddenly disappearing. Can you imagine how worried the look on his wife's face will be when she discovers that her husband hasn't returned." Harry scolded James.

"I don't think he disappeared, Dad." James chuckled.

"What makes you think that?" Victoire asked.

James then signalled someone from the kitchen to come towards him; and to everyone's shock, it was Draco.

"Draco!" they exclaimed.

"Yes, it's me." said Draco.

"How in the world did you wind up there?" Ron asked.

"Well, I don't know!" Draco said sarcastically. "When we were about to land at the Potters' place, I suddenly landed here. Hermione, do you think the time turner's broken? I'm sure we did a double check on it!"

Hermione bit her lip.


"Oh!" recalled Hermione, finally muttering a word. "I forgot to tell you, I've read somehwere that the number of persons wearing a time turner is limited. And one person is left in the previous timeline."

"WHAT?! SO YOU KNEW ALL ALONG AND NEVER TOLD A SINGLE SOUL?!?!" Draco yelled; the cousins clasped their hands on their ears as though if the portrait back at Grimmauld Place was beginning to do its usual screeching and taunts.

"Well, I'm sorry but I forgot." said Hermione sheepishly.

"You're forgiven," said Draco. "Do you blokes have any idea to get me out of here?"

"Ugh, Draco, we're tired!" Harry groaned.


"Give us a break!" said Ron, as Draco continued to yell louder.

"I'll try tomorrow. But for now, we're all tired, and I'll make sure to tell your wife!" said Hermione.

"I don't wanna be stuck here forever!" Draco shrieked.

"Why not Mr. Malfoy?" Hugo asked.
Draco didn't say a single word, as his cheeks turned pink.

"Wouldn't it be fun to spend your entire summer in the past?" said Dominque.

"You're scared of young and angry Hermione, eh?" Ron teased.

"No," Draco replied seriously. "Maybe. Yes, a little bit!" The cousins all laughed at this.

"And I heard Mad-Eye's coming tomorrow! I don't want to be a ferret again!" said Draco.

"More like, you don't want Barty Crouch Jr. to turn you into one." said Harry.

"And besides, Sirius, Scorpius and Tonks are there. And they're your family." said Ginny.

"Well yeah, but, I'm terrified of Sirius! What if he's the mass-murderer they all talk about? And I haven't met him officially!"

"Draco," Harry sighed. "Don't worry, Sirius is a fun person to have around with. And I've told you a million times that he's my godfather and was framed by Pettigrew, the real murderer."

"Ok fine, do everything you can tomorrow Hermione!" said Draco.

"I promise, bye!"

"Boy, it's been a long day!" Ron yawned.

"Let's get back to the Burrow." said Hermione. The Weasleys soon flooed all the way to the Burrow.

"I'm tired. Fancy sleeping?" Harry yawned.
"I'm not tired yet though." Ginny giggled.

"I'll carry you to bed whether you like it or not, Mrs. Potter." said Harry.

"As you wish Mr. Potter." said Ginny.

Harry scooped her up to his arms as she squealed and carried her all the way to their room.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! The next chapter is gonna be an interesting one, it's about how Teddy feels being stuck in the past and meeting his parents. I'm thinking about writing a new story about the Marauders Era once I've finished this.

Thanks very much! Like, comment, and vote.



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