"That's a good idea, Hoseok and I haven't been out in public for a while because of the whole promotion thing. I think we wouldn't mind going shopping with you and Jiwoo." Yoongi says, and Hoseok nods happily.

"Oh, we should stop by a baby store! I saw a commercial for these cute stuffed animals for babies and I want to get some for Jiwoo." Hoseok says happily as he makes cute faces towards Jiwoo, making her giggle with a bright smile. "They say it's supposed to be good for babies when their parents are gone for work. Meaning when you go to work, and she is being watched over, she will be calm and not worried."

"I- Hoseok you don't need to buy anything for Jiwoo. I swear she is fine, I don't want you wasting your money." Jimin insists as he gives him a grateful smile.

"No, I insist I must buy them for her. And besides, it's not going to make a difference I make a lot of money, buying two or three things for her isn't going to be harmful to me. She's my best buddy I got to make sure to spoil her." Hoseok says with a smile, and Jimin nods giving up on convincing Hoseok otherwise.

"Let's hurry and finish our food and go shopping. Hoseok and I have practice later today because we have a show performance in two days." Yoongi says, and they all nod and being to eat quickly.


"Hoseok, Jiwoo doesn't need that much stuff!" They finally went shopping and as per Hoseok's request, they went to the baby store. But with Hoseok being Hoseok he got carried away and have two carts full of baby items that he wants for Jiwoo.

"Come on Jimin, Jiwoo needs the world this is simply nothing," Hoseok says back as he places another stuffed animal in the cart. Yoongi had Jiwoo in his hands while he stood behind the two fighting boys, both of them with smiles on their faces.

Many would see Jimin as ungrateful, but he was grateful. He just didn't want to receive things and have nothing to return with. Hoseok and Yoongi have done way more than they needed to do to help Jimin, and they know Jimin is grateful. But Jimin always feels ashamed that he had nothing to give them in return, making him feel way awful.

"Yoongi help me! Tell Jimin there is no changing my mind on this." Hoseok tells Yoongi as he places a pile of more items in the cart. Yoongi sighs and nods.

"Jimin when Hoseok wants to give something to someone there is no changing his mind. In fact, the more you deny his favor he will give you more. I remember he made coffee for me once and I told him he didn't need to give me any coffee, the next day he woke me up with three coffees in his hands for me." Yoongi says with a small chuckle.

"W-why would you give him three cups of coffee in the morning? Like did you expect him to drink that much?" Jimin questions.

"Hey, it doesn't even need to make sense." Yoongi laughs out loudly, making Jiwoo excited in his arms.

"Okay, I'm finished!" Hoseok says with a bright smile, Jimin sighs when he notices Hoseok probably just bought the whole store.

"Do we even have enough room for this all?" Jimin asks and Hoseok frowns and faces Yoongi.

"You're right, Yoongi we should move."

"Babe, we aren't moving just to have enough room for baby items that you failed to control yourself with buying them."

"No! I'm not just saying we should move because of my shopping problems. I mean in general, I'm bored with our apartment, and it's getting cramped. I mean you did promise me we would move out when we officially become a group, you remember?" Hoseok says as he hugs Yoongi's arm.

"I guess I did. I'll think about it and look into it." Yoongi replies.

Jimin couldn't hold himself to hold back and listens to their conversation. Jimin could feel his heart drop hearing Hoseok and Yoongi moving. What would happen with him and Jiwoo? Would they be left to defend for themselves, Jimin couldn't afford to move into an apartment on his own. He could barely afford daily meals with his income. He'll just have to look for more jobs and save up till Hoseok and Yoongi decide to move.

"What's wrong Jimin?" Yoongi asks Jimin, noticing the small boy was frowning.

"Oh nothing, just remembered I- uhh we forgot to buy cookies earlier." Jimin makes up quickly.

Hoseok chuckles and throws his arm around Jimin's shoulder, "Oh no worries I made sure to get cookies. I knew I wasn't the only cookie lover in the house so I made sure to get three boxes." Jimin smiles nervously and nods.

"Let's go I think some people noticed who we are," Yoongi says signaling to a group of teen girls giggling and whispering to each other, and sometimes glancing towards us.

"Yeah, let's go. I'm not in the mood to be mauled by a group of teenage girls." Hoseok says as he takes Jiwoo from Yoongi's hands and places her in her stroller and begins to walk off.

Jimin was about to walk with him but stops, "Hey wait what about the baby items?!"

Hoseok turns around and smiles, "No worry I told the staff to ship it all to our apartment." Jimin smiles and nods and begins to walk in between Hoseok and Yoongi.

"This was a fun day," Jimin says and they all nodded in agreement.

I finally posted! I'm sorry I kept you all waiting, I'm just not doing my best at the moment. But I forced myself to write and post today! Love you all <3

*Sorry for any grammar mistakes lol

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