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Just when I had thought I wouldn't need Nancy to watch over Jiwoo I was sorely mistaken. Hongjoong had called me at last minute saying there weren't enough workers working a busy shift, and usually, Mrs. Lee would've watched Jiwoo but she went out of the city to visit family, and everyone else was too busy.

"She needs multiple naps over the day, you can tell when she doesn't want to be left alone. Oh her food is in the fridge just warm it up for her, babies don't like cold milk. There's extra-"

"Jimin calm down it's only for a few hours, Nancy has done this before anyway," Hoseok says as he walks by fixing his clothes, Yoongi shortly walking by as well. I roll my eyes and give Jiwoo a hug before handing her off to Nancy.

Nancy scratches her head and smiles, "Thanks Hobi for having hope in me!"

Ignoring the nickname she gave Hoseok, knowing he hates it when girls call him the name, I spoke, "Yeah, well she hasn't ever babysat my little Jiwoo and she deserves to be treated specially." I pinch Jiwoo's chubby cheeks causing her to giggle, then began to grab my shoes. "If anything goes wrong call me please, there's a schedule hanging on the fridge if you need reminders."

"Understood," Nancy says, too busy focusing on Jiwoo, giving her silly faces.

"Let's go Jimin we'll drop you off at the cafe on our way to our photoshoot," Yoongi spoke out as he begins to rush me out the front door, I look back and blow a kiss at Jiwoo before the door it shut by him.

"Cant I just say goodbye to my baby girl normally!" I scolded him as I fix my hair and enter the elevator.

He chuckles and places his hands on my hips and leans in close, "Why don't you get this way when we're leaving," He leans forward even more to the point where our noses meet, my breath catches, "besides I knew if we didn't get out there sooner you'd just say you weren't going." He smiles and leans back and boops my nose.

I let go of my breath and hide my blush hoping Yoongi didn't notice, luckily he didn't but Hoseok did and he chuckles. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"For your information, I wouldn't have done that!" I finally yell out and they both go laughing making me laugh as well.

- Time Skip -

"Jimin can you take these out there I have to take a call," Bomi says as she hands me two coffees and a cake, "It goes to table four, the table in the corner with the couple in black." 

I nod and began to walk out onto the floor and give the couple their food, "Here ya go! I hope you enjoy it, if you have any questions feel free to ask!" I said with a smile, they smile back and nod, and I leave back into the kitchen.

As I relax down, not having to bring out orders for a while, the bell to the entrance chimes and suddenly the whole cafe is talking, a group of girls squeal, and many are whispering. I tried to get a lookout there but Bomi steps in my way with a shocked face.

"Yo, you know that one artist.. I think his name is Jackson, just walked into the cafe with a boy. Do you think that's the boy who had his child?" I looked at her shocked and peeped out of the window the connects the kitchen to the rest of the cafe, and see Jackson with Mark.

My heart sinks, remembering the bad memories. I need to take a break and get out of here.

"Oh Jimin! Good, you're here can you get the couple who just walked in, orders?" Hongjoong asks me, I give him a very shocked face. Then slowly give him a disgusted look, hoping he would get the message that I felt uncomfortable with waiting on them. "So you going to do it or just stare at me?" He asks clueless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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