Chapter 2: Locked

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•~Yena's POV~•

Shit. We're locked with no way out except when someone opens the door outside. I looked over at the temperature and it was at -22° C. I could probably last here for a few minutes befor I get hypothermia (A medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature.) but, Chaewon would experience chest pains! I need to warm uo her body.

I looked over to Chaewon and saw her breathing and clouds of smokes were coming out of her mouth whenever she would exhale. I walked over and removed my blazer and placed it on her. "Here, you need this more than I do." I said and she mumbled a low thanks. I looked at her and she was still shivering. I haven't done this in a while, but she needs it.

I walked infront of her and she looked up confused and I hugged her. I hugged her since our body heat could produce extra heat for us. She was so cold, colder than ice I would think. Her hand made it's way to her chest and clutched it. Being in a cold environment is not good for her. Her heart needs to work harder because of the cold temperature and her body temperature is dropping, but because of her condition, her heart is getting stressed. We need to get out of here or atleast keep her warm.

I went to a dry place since sitting in a wet place is colder, and sat down. I looked at her clutching her chest and hugging her knees. I scooted over closer to her and hugged her. I hugged her like her life depended on it. And it did. A few minutes more and my eyes began to feel droopy. I think I'm about to lose conciousness. I looked at Chaewon and she looked asleep. I checked her pulse and there was still a pulse but a weak one. I then just let my eyes close and the darkness consumed me.

•~Third Person View~•

While the other 10 are waiting, they noticed that the two were gone for about more than 10 minutes. It was odd since they only needed to put the ice cream in a bowl and serve it. It would take 5 minutes or less. Eunbi was getting a bit worried, thinking the worst so she stood up, gaining the others attentions then she walked to the kitchen.

No staff needed to stop her since Chaewon owned this and they would eat here whenever they visit here. The others then stood up and followed her. Eunbi then asked around whether they saw Chaewon or Yena but no luck.

Just as they were about to give up because they've looked everywhere, Wonyoung, the smartest among them, stood up and went towards the freezer. She opened it and looked to the left and that's where they saw two girls hugging each other. Wonyoung then called her unnies and they went over.

Yuri and Hitomi then kept the door opened while the others helped to bring Yena and Chaewon out of the freezer. They checked their pulse and Yena had a pulse, it's a bit weak but she was fine. On the other hand, Chaewon had her hands still clutched on her chest while breathing heavily but slowly. Her pulse was weak and both of them were so close to getting hypothermia.

Realizing they needed help, they carried both of their friends out the restaurant and drove to a hospital immidiately. Chaewon was hugged by 5 of her friends while Yena was hugged by 4 of her friend because Eunbi was driving. They also removed their blazer and placed it on their friend to stop them from feeling cold. They even turned up the heater inside the car and everyone was sweating.

No one was speaking but their eyes tols everything. They were all worried. Even if they only met Yena today, they were worried for the girl. The other girls were aware of Yena's job and situation right now. They knew about her brother and her hands. They felt sorry for the girl.

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