Who cares if I swear?

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alexa.w : typing...

alexa.w : How do you know it isn't true? Also, you do see everyone swearing and saying things that are inappropriate right?

sophia31: It obviously isn't true. What has god ever done for me? Don't misunderstand me, I believe a god exists I just don't think it pays any attention to us. so...whats wrong with swearing ms.perfect?

alexa.w : God*

sophia31 : Whatever.

alexa.w : I really have to explain why swearing is bad? isn't that common sense

sophia31 : literally everyone our age does it. who cares if I swear?

alexa.w : those words are considered foul and impure. mostly used to be negative

sophia31 : so?

alexa.w : so? whatever you speak shows whats in your heart. so if garbage is coming out...

sophia31 : what if I like swearing? like I said, everyone else does it

alexa.w : if you like spewing out garbage then go ahead be my guest, follow what everyone else is doing.

sophia31 : are you saying that I follow what everyone else is doing?

alexa.w : If the shoe fits. You should follow God, not the people around you.

sophia31 : God doesn't have any rules for us. You know what, I'm done for today. Goodbye.

Sophia put her phone down and rubbed her temples. She wasn't against the whole "don't swear thing" but she didn't really think it mattered. She was pretty sure she heard Christians at her school swearing and calling each other names. If those Christians are doing it, then what is the big deal??

Message from Alexa:

alexa.w: God Bless You! Text me again if you have any more questions. I didn't finish answering you <3

Sophia read the message and ignored it. Even though she still didn't fully understand why Alexa left twitter, she could understand her problem with the swearing. There was a point in Sophia's life where she didn't like swearing and she could also admit that a lot of the time swearing isn't even necessary to be used.

Maybe she really was just following the people around her. She surrounded herself with people who swore all the time, and she did in fact, pick up the habit from them. Sophia always thought of herself as a leader, someone who didn't follow the crowd, but looking at her responses from earlier... she wasn't sure anymore. Was she really a follower?

Message from Twitter:

viperstacy1: Girl where are you? You're missing a HUGE fight

Sophia was considering ignoring the message but she always found fandom fights quite funny and entertaining. It always seemed to be a fandom that is much smaller than hers making it easy to win.

sopviper31: What's happening this time????

viperstacy1: poodles fandom acting up again

sopviper31: wow shocker, what happened this time


Sophia cringed at the curse word, for the first time in years. She shook her head at herself, assuming that Alexa brainwashed her with her religious nonsense. But strangely enough, Sophia changed her mind and decided that she didn't care about the fight. It's always been about something ridiculous every single time. So instead, she pretended to not see the message and just get ready for bed, since it was getting pretty late.



I decided that I would talk about a different subject each chapter in story format, because I find reading about why something is wrong or right directly is pretty boring.

swearing doesn't make you cool or however you want to look. Honestly it makes you look stupid. If you can't go a few sentences without throwing in a swear word you have an issue. I had the same problem myself! I still mess up sometimes in my head but I always ask for forgiveness. After turning to God, swearing isn't really a struggle anymore!! Swearing makes me cringe now and I'm really not looking forward to going back to high school where everyone swears every two seconds.

****Twitter messages will be in bold and Instagram messages+thoughts are slanted****

God Bless You <3


"It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth." Matthew 15:11 NLT

"You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the crowd to twist justice." Exodus 23:2 NLT (I know this isn't the same situation, but still. Don't follow the crowd.)

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