Chapter 8: Seeking Sonic

Start from the beginning

"Well if Metal Sonic didn't take Sonic and was destroyed by Shadow, then maybe that anti-hero was with him when he destroyed Metal," Leo said to Amy.

"Shadow is a weird guy, if he did help Sonic, then there's a chance those two are in the same place." Amy inquired.

"But why would he do that if he tried to kill him a couple of days ago?" Leo asked in confusion.

"Who knows, Shadow either did it for his own purpose or he never even saw Sonic here and just hates Metal Sonic," Amy replied.

"That wouldn't surprise me, I would destroy a robot that looked like someone I'm not fond of too," Leo replied. "But I doubt this will help us find Sonic." He said to Amy.

"Metal Sonic and Sonic share a connection, if we could get him to tell us what exactly happened, then maybe he'd give us a clue to where Sonic is," Amy replied.

"It's worth a shot, I only hope that Metal Sonic won't go completely berserk on us if we have Donnie and Tails try to reprogram him," Leo replied, pulling his T-phone out of his belt and dialing Donnie's number, waiting a moment before his younger brother answered it.

"What's up Leo, you and Amy find anything?" Donnie asked him.

"Well we think we found a lead, Metal Sonic's broken and burnt up from whatever Shadow did to him and we were wondering if you and Tails can reprogram him," Leo replied.

"I think that might be possible, should I call the others and tell them what you just told me?" Donnie replied.

"Yeah, Amy and I will take Metal Sonic back so you and Tails can start working, if the reprogramming works, he might be able to help us find Sonic," Leo said to him.

"Got it," Donnie replied before hanging up.

"Come on Amy, you grab the torso while I get the legs and arms," Leo ordered.

Amy nodded before she and Leo picked up the said objects and headed back to her house.

Leo and Amy headed to her house while the others were waiting while Raph glanced at them, the look of disapproval in his emerald green eyes making Leo feel somewhat nervous at what his red masked brother will say, but using Metal Sonic to find Sonic was their only chance right now.

"So it's true, we're gonna use the robotic monstrosity to help find our lost friend," Raph said while crossing his arms at Leo and Amy.

"It'll work, all Tails and Donnie have to do is fix him up, reprogram him to not harm us, and he'll help us find Sonic," Leo told him.

"Then let's get to work, the sooner we start, the sooner we'll find Sonic." Tails said excitedly. 

Hours passed and the sun was already starting to rise while Leo stood outside of Amy's house, having his arms crossed and eyes a bit dull in sleepiness, but he forced himself to stay awake, feeling concerned for Sonic and wasn't going to rest until he finds him.

"Have you been up all night?" Amy asked as she approached Leo, earning the blue masked turtle to glance at her.

"It's a habit of mine," Leo replied to her.

"It's because you're worried about Sonic, isn't it," Amy said to him.

"I know I hardly know him, but in my book, he's a nice guy, and I've always tried to defend those with a good heart," Leo told her.

"Sonic's the same way when he feels some goodness inside someone," Amy said to Leo.

Leo glanced at Amy, letting a small smile curl on his lips before the sound of the door opening was heard and both the turtle and pink hedgehog turned around to see Raph walking out and glancing at both of them.

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