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I was sleeping until I felt a hand cover my mouth. My eyes opened seeing the guy I seen in the mall holding a gun to the side of my head.

My eyes widened I was going to scream but he pointed the gun to Derek who was sleeping piecfuly. My eyes started to water as the man above me pointed to the door meaning for me to get up.

I did as told so nothing would happen. Once we both stepped outside the door the dent headed man looked at me smiling.

"I told you I'll be back, Mike" he said stepped closer to me. "Get away from me" I said stepping back. "Nah I'm good, I kinda wanted to do sum to you before I bring you to your dad" he said smirking. I Gasped when I felt a pair of crusty lips on my mind.

I tried to push him off but he was stronger then me. I felt him move his hands in my pants strocking me making me start to cry.

"Please let me go" I said as he went down to my neck. "Oh lil baby, this is just the first stage now be a good boy and suck daddy's dick"


Damn I had a good night's sleep Expectuly after yesterday.

I sat up on my bed as my eyes adjusted to the sun light. Once I looked around I seen Mike was no where in sight.

"Babe" I called out seeing the bathroom light on. I was cearios so I walked up to the door seeing the shower curtain was covering the bath tub.


I moved the curtain and the first thing I seen was his hand. I completely opened the curtain seeing it feeled with blood and him laying on it.


I fell and slipped as I seen the love of my life sit In his own blood. The tears came down my face hard as I sat and watched in horror. I was stuck and I couldn't move. But I had to Pull my self together and see if he was ok.

I then got up walking over and taking him out slowly. I looked and he was still wearing his clothes. From the sight it looked like someone tried to drown him but he was fighting back.

I sniffed as I moved closer to him. I started do CPR and hope it would work but it didn't. So next I did Mouth to mouth.

"Mike please" I continued to do that until he jumped up spiting out water. "Mike" I quickly pulled his wet body into mine as he shook so I took a towel covering his body.

I didn't even try to stop the tears I was just happy he was ok. I looked down moving his hair out his face seeing that he was crying holding on to me for deer life. "I got you" I kissed the top of his head just rocking him back and forth.

A few minutes after Mike woke up I got him to change his clothes and then I cleaned the cut on his forehead and arm. He didn't say anything to me just sat there shaking.

"What happened last night" he looked at me shaking his head meaning nothing. "It is something, how do you just randomly end up in the tub bleeding out" I say looking at him in disbelief that he just said it was nothing.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it" he said getting up and walking away but I pulled him back making him hiss in pain because of his cuts.

"Mike what happen" I said holding his arm looking at him with tears in my Eye's. "I-I" he just looked at me hurt as the tears slowly went down my face. "Baby tell me what happened so I can help you"

I wispered looking at him in the eyes. "You'll freak out" he said pulling away from me. "Why would I do that" I said confused. "Because" he said with out giving me a answer. "Mike what happened"



NBAK book coming out later 🤭

Stay tuned, bye now ✌🏾

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