"Indeed," Julia giggled, slowly pulling down the bandana that was covering his mouth to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He leaned in to kiss her again right after she pulled away, but she had already pulled the bandana back in place.

"People will recognize you," she teased him, causing him to groan and roll his eyes.

"I hate you," he said again, but he quickly added "for teasing me. I love you though."

This made Julia roll her eyes in return and sit back in her seat, resting her back against the chair. Dom did the same, both a fond smile on their faces from the interaction. Dom eventually reached out to gently intertwine his fingers with Julia's as her hand was laying on the armrest of the chair.

"Angel?" he spoke softly. It instantly made Julia smile and she hummed as an answer, knowing he was going to ask her something.

"Are you nervous?" he whispered like it was a secret, stroking his thumb over the back of her hand.

She giggled. She knew he asked it because he was nervous. He had been trying to hide it all morning but it was so obvious; the fidgeting, the rambling, the way he had been extremely chaotic.

"Yeah I am," she admitted as she leaned closer to him. "Are you?"

Dom nodded and looked down at their feet, comparing his shoes to hers. "Very nervous."

"I know," she told him which made him look at her surprisedly. Apparently he thought he had been very good at hiding it. She made eye contact with him and stroke some hairs away from his eyes with her free hand.

"We'll be alright, though. I promise."

"I hope you don't get tired of me," Dom said, leaning in to her touch.

"I'll try," Julia joked to tease him, which was enough for him to roll his eyes while biting his lip and pushing her away but never letting go of her hand.

"Good because I really can't live in that fucking city alone."


Dom's nervousness didn't go away after he admitted he was nervous. In fact, it only got worse once they actually had entered the plane and took off to go to America. Julia had made sure she checked up on Dom every once in a while during the flight, knowing he wouldn't admit to her himself that there was something wrong. But she eventually fell asleep and got woken up by Dom shaking her lightly.

When she opened her eyes she noticed he wasn't actually shaking her but she had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he was bouncing his legs non stop.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

Dom nodded in response and tried to turn his head away from Julia, which didn't hide the fact that he was biting his nails too. She gently pushed his hands down and held them both close to her chest.

"What's wrong?" she attempted to ask him instead, as he had to answer something to that and she knew that there was, in fact, something wrong. Dom shrugged as he squeezed his eyes and let his head fall against the seat.

"We can't go back now," he said.

"I know," Julia nodded as she held both of his hands with just one hand so she could lay her other hand on his leg to try to stop him from bouncing his legs like that. "But that isn't a bad thing. It's gonna be a new start, I'm actually excited."

Dom stopped bouncing his leg for just a moment, but it continued quickly. "I'm ruining your fucking life. I wanna go back."

"Dom," Julia sighed. She tried her hardest to make eye contact with him, which seemed impossible as Dom was staring at his small tv screen in front of him, even though the movie he was watching was paused. "You're not ruining my life in any way."

"I am!" Dom answered louder than he wanted to. It completely shut him down for a moment, and Julia was taken aback as well and quickly turned around to see if no one was watching them.

"I am," he said again. "Without me you'd still see your sisters every day, you'd still have your fucking job you loved so much, you and your mom would still fucking talk."

"You know I-"

"And I don't care if you say you don't mind because that's not what it's about. It's about the fact that I took everything away from you," he cut her off. He pulled his hands back to fidget with them which Julia didn't expect so she didn't have the chance to stop him. Instead she just laid her other hand on his leg too.

"You didn't," she argued. She wanted to tell him so much more but she had no idea how to act.

"I fucking did. I just summed it up. You can't deny it."

"But I-" Julia stopped for a moment, trying to make eye contact yet again. "Dom look at me."

He shook his head and rested his elbows on his leg to bury his face in his hands.

"Dom," Julia tried again as she tried to pull away his hands from his face with quite a lot of force. He was stronger, though.

"Just... look at me."

Dom wanted to shake his head again but seemed to change his mind in just a second and slowly showed his face and locked eyes with Julia. It gave her the opportunity to hold his face with one hand and bring her face a little closer. It hurt to see his eyes so watered tears could fall down his cheek any second.

"I am the one who left my family and work in the end. I wanted it."

"But it's wrong," Dom tried to say determinedly which failed as his lip trembled.

"I promise you this is what I want baby," Julia reassured him, gently stroking her fingers over his cheek. The tear that had been threatening to fall down Dom's cheek escaped his eye and landed on her hand.

"I promise."

"I'm so sorry," Dom breathed out painfully. He let his head fall on her shoulder and she heard how he silently started crying. Julia didn't hesitate to pull him as close as she could and hold him.

"Don't say sorry, please. This is everything I want."

Dom shook his head as his shoulders shocked from his sobs. "Without me you wouldn't have known B-"

"Shh," she quickly cut him off before he could say the name out loud. "Don't think about him right now. He's gone. It's just us, yeah?"

Dom didn't respond nor move to sign he understood her, and instead continued to sob in her shoulder. It was so painful, but she was so glad she could hold him. And she was even more glad to know she'd always be able to be with him once they moved.

"I love you," she whispered, kissing his ear. He didn't respond but did move his head closer to hers.

"Do you wanna watch a movie together darling?" she tried, but Dom shook his head. She knew that whenever he got in a state of blaming himself for everything he found it hard to get out of it. Like now.

"Look at me again," Julia said eventually while pushing his head off of her shoulder to look at him. Tears were all over his cheeks and he avoided her eyes as much as he could, obviously embarrassed.

But she kept looking at him as a smile formed on her face. No words were spoken, just her smiling at him, hoping he'd do the same back.

He did, for maybe two seconds, until his smile dropped and he fell back against her shoulder yet again. This time he didn't sob, though.

Julia went back to holding him like she did before. "We'll be alright."


They're so cheesy 🤢 jk but also not because they are

I'm thinking about making a enemies to lovers fic (dom related) after this one or maybe even during this one, depends on the time I have. Idk if anyone would read it but..

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