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((Vid also has nothing to do with the chapter, but holy fuck the goosebumps))

Luke: what do you call a dog magician?

Luke: a labradabrador!

Michael: Luke if you tell me one more joke i stg

Luke: you swear to god what

Michael: i won't touch you for a month

Luke: liar

Luke: you cant go without sex for longer than three days

Michael: u wanna bet

Luke: fuck yeah I want to bet

Michael: fine.

Michael: today is the 10th. until the tenth of next month, I, Michael Clifford will not do the sex with you, Luke Hemmings.

Luke: we'll see about that.

- - - 

next chapter will be a proper chapter and will be written when I get home bc sleeping over at a friend's right now.

Question: What colour bra are u wearing (if u are a female and are wearing a bra)?

Mine's like a really light shade of purply-blue

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