Chapter Six

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T H R E E  Y E A R  O L D  A S H T O N

"Ashton get back here!" Michael yelled. Lately, Ashton hasn't been such a big fan of having clothes on and has a bad habit of walking around the hallways naked. The minute Ashton hears the neighbours footsteps and noises coming from outside, he immediately takes off his clothes and runs outside yelling at them to look at him. Michael and Luke couldn't tell why he always did it, but he did and it was a little embarrassing for them seeing their neighbours were not much older than they were. 

"Ashton, I swear to god if you do not come back here right now, I will not give you pizza for an entire month," Michael said, sternly. Their child was no different than them; he ran around naked, he ate so much junk and he always wanted to be the centre of attention. 

Ashton's eyes widened at the threat, knowing his father would do so. He's been threatened so many times that he's learnt that if he didn't listen to them, it would actually happen. He sighed and walked back in the house, pouting. He crossed his arms, acting mad at his father. 

"If you don't let me go outside, I'll hold my breath until I die!" Ashton over exaggerated. Michael raised a brow and smirked, remembering all the times he did that as a child; remembering how it never actually worked.

"Okay," he said, shrugging. He knew it was not possible for the child to actually die holding his own breath, that was the only thing he could remember from science class. "Hold your breath."

Ashton huffed and held his breath. His arms were still crossed around his body, his face slightly turned red. He tried so hard to keep his breath in for longer, and longer, but it didn't work. He huffed in annoyance and stomped his foot. "It's not fair!" he whined. Michael laughed and shook his head, picking the little boy up. 

"C'mon, baby. Let's put some clothes on and watch some movies," Michael suggested, knowing Ashton would never pass down watching films. 

The little boy smiled and hugged his dad. "I love you, daddy," he said.

"I love you too, little man," Michael replied. 

Michael walked into Ashton's room, and placed him carefully on the ground. He got the boy a pair of underwear and his sipderman pajamas, dressing the little boy. Once he was fully clothed, Michael picked him up again and took him to his room where he played some Disney movies and laid on the king sized bed with the little boy. The movies kept going, the boys got more tired and that was how Luke found his son and fiance laying on the bed, asleep.

- - - 

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday; I was basically out all day and if I get a chance to double update today, I will but I'll also be out all of today.


Question: What is/was your favourite subject at school?

I actually really like maths and biology. 

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