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3 years laterMay 7, 2025

Jaxson and Jaceyon are in the pool and I just came back from the store. I went in the bag and pulled out the boxes I opened them and handled my business. I set my timer and waited once my timer went off I looked then I cleaned up everything and walked out of the room.

"Hey I was just about to come and check on you."

"Where's Jax?"

"Downstairs in the kitchen drinking juice."

"Oh okay."

"So what it say?"

I passed the tests to Jaceyon he looked at them then at me.

"How you feel?"

I shrugged my shoulders.


Jaceyon took everything out of my hands and grabbed my hands.

"Everything is going to be fine baby."

"How can you be so sure Jace we was doing everything right when we first found out that I was pregnant again and we lost our babies."

"Because my faith is strong and I believe that everything is going to be fine the baby is going to be fine."

"I just don't want to get my hopes again only to be let down again."

"Set up your appointment and we'll go from there I go throw the trash away.

I nodded and grabbed my phone Jaceyon grabbed the trash leaving the tests behind and he walked out of the room. I dialed my OB number and set up my appointment. Once I got off of the phone I made my way downstairs seeing Janiyah and Jaxson.

"Mama I go stay with auntie Niyah."

"Is it okay with your auntie Niyah," I asked.

"Yeah it is I'll take him to school too."

"Okay thanks Niyah."

"You're welcome."

Jaxson walked over to me I bent down to his level and hugged him and he kissed my cheek.

"I love you mama."

"I love you too baby boy."

I kissed Jaxson forehead and walked over to Janiyah and they walked out of the kitchen.

"What Dr. Simms say?"

"We can come now I just gotta sign in."


I grabbed my purse and keys off of the counter and walked over to the shoe rack and grabbed my shoes placing them on my feet. We walked out of the house Jacyeon locked the door and I unlocked my car doors we walked over to my car. I got in on the passenger side Jacyeon closed the door and walked around to the driver side. Once Jaceyon was in the car he looked over at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jaceyon kissed me then he started up the car he put the gear in drive and drove off.

Jaxson is now four and he's in enrolled in preschool and today they didn't have to go to school due to teacher planning.

Two years ago when Jaxson was 2 we found out that I was pregnant but not with just one baby with two I was very excited and when we found out I was pregnant I was 6 weeks along and unfortunately I had a miscarriage the very next week. It was scarring for me and Jaceyon and it was a tough time in our marriage all we did was argue and not listen to each other. we both was ready to give up and call it quits but we went to therapy and we both talked about how the way the death of our twins affected the both of us and we found our way back to each other and we're better and stronger than before.

I pulled up to the OB office I parked and got out I walked around to the passenger side I opened the door for Megan and helped her out. She thanked me and I closed the door locking it behind us we made our way up to the entrance doors and walked in. Megan went up to sign in and I sat down. Megan walked over to me and sat down intertwining our hands together.

"Positive thoughts."


A few minutes later Megan name was being called we both stood up and walked to the back. The nurse checked Megan vitals then asked her a few questions and we was placed in a room. It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and Dr. Simms walked in.

"Megan and Jaceyon how are we doing today," she asked.

"Nervous," we both spoke at the same time.

She nodded as she washed and dried her hands.

"Okay Megan so your last period was in February correct?"

"Yeah February 17th to be exact I took 3 pregnancy tests earlier and they all came back positive."

"Okay lay back for me."

Megan laid back on the patient table and lifted up her shirt. Dr. Simms typed in Megan Information and then she placed the gel on her stomach and got started on the ultrasound.

"And here's babies heartbeat."

We both looked at the screen.

"I'm pregnant with twins again?"

"Yes ma'am you are you're 11 weeks and 2 days your due date is November 23, 2025."


"Are they okay?"

"Yes they're fine."

Dr. Simms pressed something on the machine and we heard both heartbeats.

"Baby A heartbeat is 149 and baby B heartbeat is 148."

Dr. Simms took some pictures and printed off the ultrasound handing them to Megan. She also handed Megan some tissues to wipe the gel off of her stomach.

"Being that your last pregnancy was high risk try to keep your daily activities to a minimum and rest as much as possible we want a healthy pregnancy."


"Are you two doing a gender reveal?"


"Okay I want to see you back in 4 weeks Megan and hold off on telling both families the news."

"Yes ma'am."

Dr. Simms asked us did we have any questions we both shook our heads no then she walked out of the room. I helped Megan down then we walked out of the room going to the front. Megan got her next appointment then we walked out of the office.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah I want chicken nuggets from Chic-Fil-A."

"Okay baby."

I unlocked the passenger door I helped Megan in then I walked around to the driver side before I got in I thanked God for giving us another chance with being parents again.

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