I put on my mask and a bucket hat. I went through the back door so no one could see me. Once on the road I hailed a cab and went to the hospital.

When I arrive at the hospital my Mom greeted me and my Dad is asleep . "I thought you have practice today?" my mom ask. "Yes we do I just don't feel well so I told them that I'll skip practice today!"

"Are you sick? What are you feeling?"My mom ask. I just suddenly cried ang hug my mom. "What's the matter baby? What's wrong? You know you can tell me everything!" My mom ask worriedly.

I look at her my tears are flowing like water falls. "Mom I am hurt!" I told her like a kid telling their mom they are being bullied. "Mom I am hurt!! This hurts!" I told her as I point at my heart repeatedly. "Mom this hurts when I thought it's healed the wound  keeps on opening and it hurts more it's more painful mom!!" I really can't control my emotion the hurt the pain that I am feeling is overwhelming me. So I just cried and cried on my mom's shoulder.

"Ssshhhhhh baby. It will be okay. Cry it all out it will make you feel better. Mom is just here okay!"My mom said her voice is cracking a bit I know how hurt she might be seeing me like this. But I need to let this out. "Mianhe Eomma!!" I told her.

"Ssshhhhhh Gwenchana!!" She said softly.

I dunno how long I have been crying but my eyes are dry now. It seems like my tears reached it's limit. My mom gave me water to drink.

"I figure you needed replenishment there are no tears coming out so drink water so you can cry more!" My mom joke. "Mom!!!" I gave her a smile she is really good on making me smile.

" If you  are ready to talk. I will just be here!" My mom told me. I nodded "Gumapta Eomma! Thank you for being there and loving me unconditionally!" I told her honestly and he just gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I check my phone and I see a bunch of miscalls from Tae and Suga. I don't really want to talk to them right now. But I know what I need to do.


Oppa can you come meet me at the
hospital garden after your practice.


We need to talk.


kay I'll be there in 30 minutes.

After reading his last reply to my text I was suddenly having a nervous attack. I don't know how to start what I need to say first. Oh fuck I wasn't really prepared. But I need to do this for my sake and for my peace of mind.

I am tired guessing. It's time for me to know the answers to all my questions. I can do this. I went to the bathroom to wash my face as my eyes are too puffy because of crying. After that I put some powder and lip balm. Then I told my Mom that I'll just needed to talk wit someone. She didn't ask anything she just said for me to take care.

I walk towards the garden it is at the back of the hospital. It's dark and no one really utilizes the garden at night so it's okay to be there to talk. As I arrived I took a sit on one of the bench that is beside another bench. It's well lit so I am not afraid.

I can feel my heart pounding so bad and I can hear it loudly because of the quiet night

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I can feel my heart pounding so bad and I can hear it loudly because of the quiet night. I was sitting there for five minutes when I saw Jimin walking towards the garden.

My heart is beating too much faster now

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My heart is beating too much faster now. I need to relax I might die of a heart attack. I can see that he is looking around tried to find me.

When he finally saw me he walks slowly and take a sit at the bench beside mine

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When he finally saw me he walks slowly and take a sit at the bench beside mine. He was just sitting there and wasn't looking at me. He bow his head and took a deep breath and face me.

 He bow his head and took a deep breath and face me

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"What do you want to talk about??"


Forever (Imagine BTS 8th member)JIMIN  (Book 1)   **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now