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Jimins POV:

I woke up with a really bad headache. I only had 2 hours of sleep. I wasn't able to sleep peacefully thinking about Sammie. I was hoping to talk to her today. I don't want her mad at me even if she said that she is okay I know that she isn't.

Jin is not in his bed anymore so I went out the room to see that some of the members are at the kitchen eating cereals. They are all wearing their rash guards because we will be going snorkeling as part of our activity for this morning.

I pack mine in a bag as I don't want to wear it right now because it's hot outside. I went to the kitchen grab a bowl and put in some milk and cereals. Sammie is not here yet knowing her she is fixing herself up to go snorkeling.

We heard her door open and she came out walking towards the kitchen. I almost choke on the cereal that I am eating.

"Aiiggooo Sammie!!! Go and change!!" Jin shouted he is the most conservative of all and for sure he would not allow Sammie to go out and be filmed wearing whatever she is wearing right now. I would not even allow her to go outside in that.

 I would not even allow her to go outside in that

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"What?! It looks nice and sexy. And we are going to the beach for crying out loud!" She whined. "Don't I look pretty!", He asked Suga while twirling in front him showing off her outfit. Suga is just shaking his head smiling.

"No go back!! You are practically naked in that outfit!" Jin said again getting angry by the minute.

"Sammie~ah go and change you look good in all honestly. It's just that it's too revealing for your image. And it would be filmed a lot kids will be watching this!" RM reasoned out to her. The rest of the members are just quiet.

Suga stood up and wrap his arms around Sammie's shoulder and led her back to her room. That jabbing pain in my heart is there again seeing them this close. Suga came out of the room after 3 minutes. "She will change now!" He said.

"That kid almost gave me a heart attack!!" Jin said holding his chest. We all laugh.

After 20 minutes Sammie came out of her room in a different outfit.

After 20 minutes Sammie came out of her room in a different outfit

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Forever (Imagine BTS 8th member)JIMIN  (Book 1)   **COMPLETED**Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant