She still couldn't believe her eyes.

Did he really do that? Looked like he did.

"Stop eyeing the wall like that, no it won't reappear if you look at it like that." he joked to ease up the atmosphere. She eyed him now, with her quizzical expression.

"I'm trying to move on and also, now that I'm married. It's unfair to my wife. So I did what I thought was right." Farhan mumbled and Natasha couldn't help that small smile etching on her lips. Her crazy heart fluttered in happiness. But the memories of that night came back to her making it fade away in a jiffy.

"You said you wouldn't remove them?" and his face paled with her question which made Natasha regret asking him that. But she couldn't stop herself. Yes, she was guarding her heart against not breaking again. She has had too much now.

"I did." he nodded with a sad smile. She raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"But then changed my mind after coming back from your home." Right after he realized that he was getting attracted to her. He took it as a sign of moving on and having those pictures seemed like a hurdle which he got rid of quickly. His heart ached but it is what it is. He had to move on one day and to top of it all, he's married now. That too with his other best friend. His life has always been complicated. He wanted to be a good husband to her even though he wasn't interested before. 

"You never told me." Natasha was still in shock. She needed time to recover from this. She surely did.

"I don't know. I couldn't get myself to tell that to you."

There was this uncomfortable silence again, which Farhan broke with the clearing of his throat, "how're your cramps?"

It was a Sunday, two days after that bedroom incident.

"It's fine. I'm not cranky now." he did notice that.

"I have a plan, why don't we go and have some fun, like the old times?" he asked with that charming smile of his and she couldn't get herself to say no.

"Fun as in?"

"I don't know?" he replied her question with another question, with his smile which was now wide and bright, showing his cute little dimple on the display. She had to make sure not to drool. Why was he so insanely handsome?

"I have a little somewhere to take you to, which I hope you'll like. If you are okay, then we can leave in five." he shrugs casually making her jump in surprise.

"Wait, you're really serious?"

"Dead serious." he fought a smile at how cute she looked right now, whilst asking him that. And his hands automatically went on to pinch her cheeks, like he does every time he found her cute. He couldn't stop himself this time.

"Ah. Stop pinching me." she slapped his hands whilst walking out of his room hurriedly. Going out with her stupid husband was like a once in a blue moon thing, so she might as well dress up for that.

Farhan had this smile plastered on his lips which wasn't leaving him as he watched her leave his room. He didn't want it to leave either. It felt good to smile and laugh whole heartily after so long.

He missed being like that.


The place where they lived was far too away from the city and it takes an hour and a half just to get on the main road. Throughout their way, Farhan and Natasha talked about anything and everything. It was more like a catching up on everything that has happened in between the months in which they haven't talked. It felt good. The tension was slowly fading away which is great too.

Somewhere in between Haya's name came in and there was this awkward silence.

"She's just a sleeping partner for two-three years. Her husband wants her to stop stressing out too much and take care of herself and the baby." and much to his surprise it didn't sting like it did every other time. Farhan didn't feel anything at all.

Natasha just nodded her head. She was happy for her best friend, she really was. But she couldn't act straight after knowing the fact that her husband was once crazily in love with that woman. He still was in love with her. And it hurt her a lot.

"So tell me about your mystery lover?" Farhan raised his eyebrows as he looked at her through the corner of his eyes. She looked quite taken aback by his question.

"Why?" she deadpanned.

"Oh, come on. I'm your best friend. How could you hide such a thing? Tell me."

Natasha looked at him as if he has lost his mind. She had no escape now. But soon a sly smile appears on her lips as she looked at his eager looking face.

"He is the most handsome guy with the kindest heart ever. It wasn't my intention to fall in love with him. But he stole my heart before I could even protect it. I'm crazily and insanely in love with him."

"You still lov-love him?" Farhan asked, shocked at her revelation. He didn't expect her to be so blunt about her lover, whoever he was. He couldn't care less. That's what he told himself.

"Just like how you still love Haya. Yes."

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