Prelims and Day 1

Start from the beginning

Before we knew it, we were standing in front of the arena. The same dirt and smoke smell filled our lungs. I breathed in the stuffy and air and was filled with memories both good and bad. Nashi was memorized by everyone in the arena warming up. She spotted Natsu and pointed to him, "Pap! Pap!" I smiled brightly and kissed her temple,

"Yeah! That's Papa!" I giggled and bounced Nashi on my hip. Juvia said her goodbyes and headed down to the arena to warm-up. I cast the protection spell on her before she left and made sure it was at a strong enough casting. I could feel Juvia's and my connection flowing through my blood. I could tell she was scared, but I smiled to myself trying to remind myself that I could protect her. Levy popped up next to me while I was in serious thought,

"Hey!" Levy chimed.

"Ki~" Nashi squealed.

"Chi~" Luke responded. Levy and I laughed loudly at the small interaction. Gajeel and Natsu looked up at us and smiled brightly. I waved down at them and went to go get settled in the Guild's box, Levy followed suit.

"Hello! Welcome to the Annual Grand Magic Games! The first event of Day 1 is going to be "Hidden." All of our teams already know the rules and how to play, so let's meet our players! We have Beth Vanderwood from Mermaid Heel, Eve Tearm from Blue Pegasus, Gray Fullbuster from Fairytail A, Juvia Lockser from Fairytail B, Lyon Vastia from Lamia Scale, Nullpudding from Raventail, Rufus Lore from Sabertooth, and Jāger from Quatro Cerberus!" The crowd was loud and roaring. Nashi was not happy at all. Levy used a script spell to keep most of the sound from reaching Nashi.

All the contestants were transported to the magically build city, we could see them on a giant screen in the middle of the arena. I felt my magic jolt for a moment and wobbled where I stood. I know what I'm doing is technically illegal so I make it a point to act like I was only winded for a second. Levy glances over confused but brushed it off. Lissana wasn't allowed to come to the Grand Magic Games by Natsu's request. I found it strange how he asked and not me. They were always childhood friends, but I guess it was her first and final offense. I mean she causes me to think I was the reason for Natsu's unhappiness, so I can see where the request steamed from.

Anyway, Juvia was being really cautious and it showed. Gray actually found her and instead of striking her down asked why she was being so wary of everyone. The only person to have landed a hit on her was Nullpudding, not surprising because everyone from Raventail is a psychopath. She brushed it off and struck him down then turned herself into the water, disappearing from his sight. Fairytail was laughing at the interaction and so was Sabertooth.

After the time limit was up everyone was transported back to the arena in a specific order: Lyon(1 attack), Eve(2 attacks), Jager(4 attacks), Gray(5 attacks), Beth(7 attacks), Juvia(8 attacks), Nullpudding(10 attacks), then Rufus(14 attacks). Rufus came out on top just like he did the last time we competed with Sabertooth. He attacked Juvia at least two times which really dulled my connection to her causing me to use more magic power to keep her protection spell up. Surprisingly this protection spell used a lot of my magic power just to cast, and to keep it up is very taxing.

Points were awarded to each team, except the Lamia Scale because Lyon only got one kill. Everyone could see Gray taunting him which made Master bang his fist on the stone railing to make Gray stop. Looking like a defeated dog, he did.

Juvia and Gray made their way up to the box with Gray asking a lot of questions. Juvia laughed and waved them off. I went to meet Juvia at the entrance, but Gray pulled her to the side, "Juvia. This isn't a good idea. What if any one of them had hit the baby, Juvia, I don't- I- I couldn't forgive myself if either of you got hurt." Gray had Juvia backed up against the cobblestone wall, his hands lightly brushing against her arms while his hung low. She smiled softly and put a hand on the top of his head and kissed his hair gently,

"Juvia knows the dangers. Besides it's only for a couple more days." He looked up at her in disbelief,

"Juvia, you're not serious, right?"

"Juvia is." Gray sighed at her response,

"Well, it's obvious that I can't stop you. Please be careful." He touched her face tenderly and softly kissed her lips. She giggled into the kiss and smiled faintly. I smiled sweetly and turned back around to find that everyone was setting up for the next set of fighting terms. I knew Natsu was fighting Flare, and she and I don't really get along. Just saying that makes my back shiver. Jellal was going up against Jura from Lamia Scale. Erza was talking to him through a visual lacrima about how he shouldn't be nervous, making some of us chuckle a little. She really cared about him, and apparently her hair now too. The poor girl keeps complaining about how it gets tangled so easily.

Natsu and Flare stood at opposite ends of the arena. Nashi was sleeping in Mira's arms while Luke watched happily on my hip. I bounced him up and down mostly because I was nervous. The council had eyes on Raventail from the last time when they stopped my magic. For Natsu, it should be more obvious though.

Luckily for Natsu, he won with flying colors, barley getting any of his blood spilled. Flare was very...irate about not winning the match, and as he was waving to me and Luke she came running for him. Luckily Erza and Gray were already running to the scene and quickly cast a protection spell on Natsu, draining me almost completely of magic power. Levy noticed my spell and grabbed Like from my arms before I bent down in exhaustion on the stone railing.

Not even concerned with himself, Natsu called out to me. I slackly waved my sweating hand from the railing, "Lucy release the spell! Erza and Gray got her!" Wendy yelled up to me. I did as she instructed and removed the sweat from my forehead. Master came up next to me to ask if I was ok, I nodded hastily and quickly stood up.

Levy reluctantly gave Luke back to me and I also asked for Nashi from Mira, both girls giving me a concerned look. I brushed it off and went to go meet Natsu while other guilds were fighting. As soon as I got to the "locker area" he came rushing to me and the twins. He squeezed me tightly, "What happened to you?"

"I saw Flare coming right for you and I quickly cast a protection spell, and I wasn't ready for it, that's all. No nee-"

"Did you eat anything today besides that weird-looking bagel thing? Have you had anything to drink? Have you ever taken a break and sat down today?"

"No, no, and no," I asked a little ashamed. Natsu sighed and took Luke from my grasp. Nashi was looking at me with a scrunched up face, almost questioning my habits. I hadn't even thought about eating or taking care of myself. I'd been so focused on Natsu, Juvia, the twins, and the entire guild more than I had my own well-being. I sat on a bench with Nashi and hummed little tunes in her ears. She giggled at the soft air my voice created.

Luke and Natsu were watching the fight while Erza was practically sparkling with excitement about how close Like was to her. It made me chuckle to see Erza warming you to the twins. I really thought she'd be more interested in her cake than my kids.

Day one ended with Jellal winning his fight against. And everyone was headed to their hotel rooms. Natsu carried all the bags while I carried the kids. The twins easily fell asleep once we got into the room.

It was nice ending the first day of The Grand Magic Games with a passionate kiss from Natsu.

Hi.Hey.Hello. Wassup y'all!? Thanks for all the patience! SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

Here are the current scores:
Fairytail A: 13
Fairytail B: 16
Sabertooth: 20
Raventail: Disqualification
Lamia Scale: 0
Blue Pegasus: 11
Mermaid Heel: 4
Quatro Cerberus: 2

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