Episode 21: Am I Too Late?

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               It makes Spes look absolutely breathtaking. She's still a little odd, the way her gray hair and silver eyes catch me off guard sometimes, I thought she'd bite my fvcking head off when I asked her about it, but she surmised it was because of her dad and all the tests he ran on her.

               The way she cringed when she held her silky soft and beautifully glossy, healthy dark hair made me almost spill my guts about how crazy it made me. It was like ocean waves the way they fell so elegantly and wildly down her back.

               I love how she always wears it down even if it's not practical. I've never seen hair so long before. It's one of the things I fantasize about when I think about me being with her, the idea of having my body under hers when we'd just be talking, and she'd just use my propped up legs as a back of a chair while her hair cascades everywhere.

               Earlier when she was just standing there, watching those things getting closer, I panicked straight through to the point I lectured her and made sure that there was nothing following us. A deep earthquake went off inside of me and rattled the precautions I mentally set up to keep me from showing her how much I can't get her off my mind.

               I almost suffocated myself with the thoughts of keeping my hands to myself, but I thought, enjoy it, revel in it, be honest, so I did just that.

               I'm surprised she didn't push me away. She did that one time when I wasn't even hugging her, I was just showing her how to shoot a tin star, and she freaked out, started saying random sh1t that back then made her look completely insane.

               "How's your cheek?" I frown, tilting my head to look at the number I did on her beautiful face, her cheeks that look so kissable, are 2 different shades. One a healthy light color, the other a watermelon blaze that made me drag out a sigh.

               Did I have to hit her so fvcking hard?!

               Dammit! Am I even suited to have a girlfriend? Wait. If we did get together, is that what she'd be? It seems a little too normal for this kind of place.

               Of course this is getting way ahead of myself given it'd only work in another alternate universe, so I guess it's a waste of time thinking about it.

               "It's fine. I don't feel anything." She smirked and raised an eyebrow before shrugging it off. Fvck, I love her voice. It's confident and sexy. Not girly at all really.

               "I guess I panicked. I'm sorry."

               "It's fine to me."

               "I hit you. It's not fine." I know it was the only way to get her as$ in gear but I'm the one who has to look at her cheek now. It's taking everything to mentally will my arm to stay glued to my lap and not try to cool the warmth I see with my fingertips, kissing her face as many times as I'm dying to by just looking at her, so instead, I have to let out how I'm feeling about fvcking hitting the girl I like.

               "Look, as far as I see it, I think I'm pretty tough. I would've slapped you if it was the other way around. Maybe even punched you. If I think I'm tough enough to dish it out, then I'm fine with it coming right back at me. I mean I did drag you off the motorcycle." Her logic leaves me a little dumbfounded since I was taught that you don't hit girls or women, because real men don't do that, gentlemen don't do that, DECENT people don't do that, and she's saying its ok.

               I mean I get where she's coming from but I don't think I've ever been given the 'eh it's ok' response. At least not to that.

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