This story...

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Pretty much, I thought, it'd be best to go over a few things. Some are "obviously" and some are "oh ok. cool." But I just thought it best to put some stuff out there right now.

1. I did not copy, nor intend to copy off of anyone. If something seems similar, or totally ripped off, I didn't mean for it. There are thousands of projects and books, and instead of stressing about how it's inevitable for things to be similar, I'm just gonna say, I didn't copy, I just thought up some stuff that wasn't original apparently. Or something like that.

2. Updates are probably not going to be as frequent as I'd like. And this story might not be so good. I'm gonna try really hard to make it great, but it might suck. So yeah. Don't expect much. XD

3. The characters, I'm gonna try to make it believable, but still make them my own, yaknow?

4. The rating? Yeah. It's rated r. enough said right? (Except for the curse words. I know. I put words like fvck, sh!t, dammit, b!tch, sh!t, ba$tard, as$, etc... it's just how i role. XD You can file it away as me being a weirdo, cuz I really am one. XD)

5. I'm not a Nazi about it, not always, but comments and votes are appreciated, especially for those who are reading and like the book. hohohohooo XD

6. I just hope you enjoy this mess that I'm about to endeavour to write. XD Cuz jaze. This is gonna be weird I think. Like wow. I'm not even sure what I'm gonna give you to read, just expect some dumb stuff I guess? XD

7. I still love you all! XD

So yeah. It's gonna be a little while before I post the first chapter, but not nearly as long as I thought before. I miss writing. XD I'm having Chaven withdrawal symptoms. XD

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