Twenty Six

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"Oh, so you like my hands around your neck?" I asked Janet, leaning over her disrobed body. She was still laid back upon the couch.

"Mhm, I do," the woman replied, her head went up and down. Desire shown within her eyes as she kept her pupils locked upon mine.

I grew even closer to her, beginning to glide my hands alongside the creases of both her legs. "Really?" I gave to her bit of a tease. "Tell me, what else do you like?"

Janet smiled seductively, grabbing onto my waist. "Hm. Why tell you when I could just show you?" She said to me, continuing to stare me down while beginning to unfasten my jeans. "You've got to come out of these clothes, baby..."

But I moved her hands out of the way, no longer hovering over her. With my bottoms unbuttoned, I removed the shirt I was clothed in, leaving just my black colored bra. "Oh, is this what you mean?" I then began to dance a bit, twirling my shirt around in circular fashions. "Is this what you wanna see?"

The other woman moved her head up and down, answering yes, all while that same smile held onto her face.

After tossing my shirt off to the side, I placed my body back upon hers. Just as she craved, I wrapped my hands around her neck for a second time, gripping it with ease. Once I had her right where I wanted her, I then lined my lips with her right ear and whispered, "Well that's too damn bad, I didn't come here to fuck."

Janet forcefully pushed me off of her, allowing a frown to find her. "Wow. Really, Toni?!" She then closed her robe, recovering her body and feeling as though I had wasted her time. "Y'know what? That's not cool. You—you got me all hot and bothered for nothing."

See, she thought that by showing to me her naked and bare body, it'd phase me. Clearly, she thought wrong because there was no way I was going to allow her to 'sex' her way out of the conversation that needed to be held. But, just to get in her mind, I figured it wouldn't hurt to play with her a bit.

"Oh, please. I don't hear from you for a week and some days and the first thing you think to do is have sex?" I asked, responding to her and rising from the couch again. "Besides, when I first got here I said I wanted to talk."

Janet rolled her eyes at me, crossing her arms just over her chest. "Okay, well, if you're not here to apologize to me for lying about you and Joy, then I don't—"

"Listen, I am sorry, alright?" I cut her off, searching for my shirt I had thrown. "I should've told you about Joy and me. And there's nothing to justify that. I just...I should've told you." After finding it, I placed it back over my upper half.

"Why didn't you tell me, Toni?" The other woman asked me, beginning to head in the direction of her kitchen. "And why did you lie to me about it?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes all while following her to the kitchen. "I just didn't feel the need to share it, that's why. But, wait a minute, let's not act as though you haven't lied to me." I signaled at her, then at myself.

She began browsing through the surrounding, grey colored cabinets, grabbing a teapot from one of them. "Okay, for one, we've already acknowledged me not being truthful to you. And two, I already apologized for it. So, why are you bringing it up again?"

I paid close attention as she filled the pot with water, then sat it upon the stove before us, setting it's boil to a low temperature.
"Y'know, you got one more time to get smart, and your ass gonna be on the stove boiling with that damn water." I pointed my index finger in her direction, making it clear that I meant what I said. "And I'm bringing it up because you can't possibly expect me to believe that you're some journalist, Janet."

Janet waved me off, also reaching in those same cabinets to pull out some teacups. "Look, I said what I said. I'm a journalist, I do some journaling. And that's just that." Her shoulders shrugged as she sat the cups down on the nearing countertop.

I shook my head in complete disbelief, watching every motion in which she moved. Just as Mike said, this woman was a liar and manipulator. "Yeah and you also said you were a teacher, which was your biggest lie yet. Yknow what, I'm gonna need to see some receipts." After she looked at me confused, I said, "You ain't got no identification to show me? No certification? Where's your license?"

She waved me off, turning off the eye of the stove. "Oh hell no, I'm not about to do all of that." She then lifted the teapot, transferring the heated water into the teacups. "If you don't trust me, just say that."

"How can I trust you if you continue to lie to me?" I followed her to the kitchen's pantry, watching as she grabbed two packets of Lipton's Green Tea and some honey.

Placing the tea bags in the hot water, Janet said back to me, "Y'know what, do you need some lipgloss?" I looked at her sideways, confused as to why she'd ask that. "Is your mouth getting dry talking about the same thing?"

I wished we hadn't continued to discuss how she wasn't truthful, but it was something that definitely needed to be addressed. Especially since it kept happening. It was one lie after the other, and at this point, I really hadn't known what to believe.

"I'm just saying," Janet goes on, now entering her refrigerator and pulling out some fresh lemon slices. "Why don't we move on to something more important, like you telling me you miss Joy." After adding in the honey and lemon slices to the cups of tea, she asked, "I mean, seriously, what the hell was that about? Are you...are you gonna get back with her, Toni?"

"No, I am not going to get back with her," I answered, rolling my eyes to the rear of my head. "If that was the case, would I be standing here with you right now, Janet?"

The woman handed me one of the cups, then took a sip from her own. "Just because you're here with me now don't mean you won't go back to her later. People do it all the time, Toni." She then shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head from one side to the other.

I consumed some of the heated beverage, then sat it down on the counter. "Listen, I just had a moment, alright? Me missing Joy—that was me being so caught up in what I had, that I forgot what I have." I removed Janet's cup from her hands, sitting it down just as I did with my own. I then grabbed at her waist, pulling her into me. "I don't want Joy, okay? I want you. Just you, I promise."

She was silent for a minute, needing some time to really accept the moment for what it was. She then tilted her head a bit and smiled, allowing her eyes to glisten of desire. "If it's me you want so badly, you're gonna have to show me..." She then untied her robe once more, loosening it.

"Oh, trust me," I said back, releasing the robe from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor beneath us. "That's no problem..." I then reached for both her hands, and led us into her bedroom. "No problem at all."

well, it's good they made up, yes?

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