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"Jojo," Joy called out to our son, staring me down. "Go in the back, baby. Go to Mommy's office, we'll be there in a minute."

Josiah released his hand from his mother's, then began walking towards the back. On the way there, he gave me his eyes with an expression in them I couldn't exactly read. But, I knew I saw sadness. It almost felt as though he was disappointed, seeing me holding onto a woman that wasn't his mom.

After he had left from our presences, Mike said, "Aw, shit. It's 'bouta go down up in here."
I rolled my eyes, wishing he had just minded his damn business. But Mike was Mike, he truly meant no harm.

"Um. Could...could you two please give me a moment with my wife," Joy asked Mike and Janet, not giving either of them eye contact. She gave her complete focus to me, displaying a bothered expression upon her face.

Janet looked over at me, confused. She hadn't known how things were going to go

"Janet, you don't have to if you—" I started to tell her that she hadn't had to leave. That whatever Joy felt the need to say to me, she could say it in front of everyone.

But, the woman only impeded my words, telling me, "No, no. It's fine. I'll just...I'll go wait outside for a minute. But only out of respect for your son and that's it." She then walked off, heading out of the salon's entrance doors.

Mike followed her, but he hadn't gone outside. "Alrighty now," he told Janet, just before closing the doors behind her. "We'll let you back in in a minute."

Joy rolled her eyes in circular motions, turning to face the man. "Mike, I asked you to give us a moment too." She signaled outdoors, wanting him to get rid of his presence.

He waved her off, replying with, "Now you know damn well I'm not leaving you in here with Toni." He pointed towards me, then at himself. "I'm her bodyguard."

I laughed a bit, not taking Mike serious. Regardless of the disagreements we might've had as far as him feeling that I thought I was sometimes too good, he'd always come through for me. He always had my back. And I appreciated him for that.

Joy waved him off as well, figuring she'd just let him be. " are you and her like...a couple?" She then asked me, looking at me with curiosity surrounding her.

"They in an entanglement," Mike responded before I could, causing me to shake my head in disbelief. I truly hadn't known why he continued to use that word.

My eyes rolled a bit, wishing I hadn't had to partake in such conversation. I felt what Janet and I was becoming, was none of Joy's business.
"We haven't confirmed anything yet, but yes. We are seeing each other. Why?"

I could tell that my wife grew uncomfortable, listening to me speak. "Wow." She released heavy breaths, tightening her shoulders. " don't think that's something you should've told me?"

"For one, I am a grown ass woman," I said back, holding up the index finger of my left hand. "I don't have to tell you anything. And two, why are you so concerned?"

Joy rose her voice a bit, speaking rather stern towards me. "Toni, I just ended things with Karen for you! Because of what she did to you and this shop!" She shook her head in disbelief. "And to come here and see you with that woman?! That's...that's a big damn slap to the face."

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