Forty Five

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Joy stopped all communication with me. If it didn't pertain to Josiah and his health or his being at all, she saw no reason to speak to me.

This made visiting Josiah—while in the hospital—nothing more than awkward. The greetings were quick and not sincere. I understood her reasoning as she thought I was choosing a woman over our son, but I wished she had been more patient with me. I was madly in love with Janet, it wasn't so easy to just walk away when she meant so much to me. I mean, haven't we all loved somebody that meant too damn much to us?

Joy just needed to give me some time. I was going to come to my senses. She just had to allow me to reach that point. And eventually, I did. I knew that I needed to have one more conversation with Janet, one more conversation to be clear about us.

One evening while home alone, I decided to invite the woman over. Not just for the conversation, but also because I wanted to see her. I mean, really see her. One last look before our love was to depart.

I even thought I'd add some spice to the conversation, dressing in nothing but a see-through bathrobe.

Janet agreed to visit, telling me she couldn't wait to see me as well. But, when she arrived, she didn't seem as excited. Instead, she seemed hesitant. Tentative, rather.

She wasn't dressed similar to me at all. As usual, she was covered in nothing but black attire from head to toe, wearing clothing that appeared to be twice her appropriate size.

Seated within my living room—on separate sofas—I couldn't help but wonder why the woman seemed so reserved. I knew the situation we were both facing, but I hadn't wanted anything to be weird with us.
After eyeing her completely, I asked her, "You ok, Janet?"

She breathed deeply, fiddling with her fingers while they rested upon her lap. "I'm just...I don't know what to think about this, Toni. I never thought I'd see you again let alone receive another phone call from you." Janet then ran her fingers through her loose curls, looking at me sideways. "You really ok with seeing me right now?"

I faintly giggled, ending with a grin on my face. "Yeah I'm ok with that, why wouldn't I be?" I could sense her fright, wishing she'd just ease up. "I have wine. Red and white. Would you like something to drink?"

Growing even more wary, Janet declined. "Honestly, I just want us to get started with this conversation so that I know where we go from here."

I jerked my head back some, appalled that she wanted to haste through this. "Oh, c'mon. We don't have to talk right at this moment." I exited the sofa I sat upon, then joined her on the one she utilized. "We can talk later..."

"You're scaring me, Toni," the woman told me, giving me curious eyes. "Are you drunk? Cause after what I've done, there's no way you should be this nice to me."

Without mouthing any response, I grabbed at the woman's nearest hand and lifted us both from the couch. Leading us, I walked us through the house and stopped us right at my bedroom.

Janet looked confused, releasing her hand from my own. "Why are we in your bedroom? I thought you wanted us to talk?" She then pointed toward herself. "Ain't that's why I'm here?"

"Well yeah," I replied, moving my head up and down. "But's that not the only reason." I then unfastened the ties to my robe, showing my naked and bare body. "I want you fuck me, Janet."

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