Chapter Fourteen

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Author's Note:

Again, I am so sorry for this really late update! With an online event I've been organizing for a month finally done, I hope I'll be able to resume my regular Friday posting next week. For now, here is the next chapter. Happy reading!


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Ben opened the door to his dorm room roughly. He had been cooped up inside all day, and his stomach was starting to complain. His phone was full of ignored messages and calls, most of them coming from his mom. As if on cue, the device started ringing again, indicating an incoming phone call from Queen Belle.

He didn't bother answering; after all, there was only one person he wanted to hear from.

Ever since the post on the school board circulated and gained attention, Ben had been trying to contact Mal. He just wanted to listen to her version of the story, to hear from Mal herself instead of believing what everyone said.

But every message of his was left unseen, and every call was unpicked up.

The prince desperately held on to the hope that Mal would contact him soon and that this didn't mean the end of their relationship, but his resolve was slowly crumbling away.

He was about to take one step forward when he noticed a few objects placed on the floor. There was a rolled-up piece of paper, an envelope, and a small box. He picked them up and went back inside the room despite his stomach's wishes.

Sitting down in his armchair, Ben first pried the envelope open where a folded piece of stationery was inserted inside. His heartbeat quickened as he realized that it was a letter from Mal.


You must have seen the post on the school board by now. How I spelled you to make you fall in love with me and planned to break the Isle barrier by stealing Fairy Godmother's wand—everything that was written there is true, and I'm sorry.

The spell should be broken once you're aware of it, but for good measure, I've placed the anti-love potion in the cookies inside the box.

I won't make any excuses to try and redeem myself, but I want you to know that I really am grateful for all the kindness you've shown us villain kids ever since we arrived in Auradon.

I don't think I can ever repay you for everything you've done, but the gift I sent along with this letter is the best thing I can do. I made it back when you comforted me after the garden party.

I won't be bothering you anymore.


Feeling his heart break into a million pieces, Ben numbly picked up the rolled paper. He untied the ribbon holding it in place and unfurled it.

Right there on the piece of paper was a sketched portrait of him.

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"Maybe the two of you did it!", Evie accused, pointing her fingers at Jay and Carlos. "Or your loud mouths blabbered to someone else, and now, everyone's out to get Mal!"

After the girls had woken up from their sleep, Evie had immediately seen the post on the school board and read everything that the anonymous user had written. The post completely ruined Mal's image, yet the purple-haired girl seemed so unfazed by it.

Mal still went through with her plan of giving Ben the anti-love cookies. Along with Evie, they dropped off several things in front of the prince's dorm room with Mal having to cast a protection spell around the items to make sure no one would be able to touch them but Ben himself.

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