Chapter Six

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"E, how's the wand?", Mal asked urgently from where she lounged on the bed.

Evie, obviously annoyed, looked at Mal through the mirror on the vanity table. "You just asked that five minutes ago! And no, the wand hasn't moved. It's still in the museum.", she informed the impatient purple-haired girl as she threw the magic mirror onto the mattress.

Mal grabbed the mirror from where it landed and confirmed for herself that what Evie said was true. Ever since her conversation with Jane, she had been pestering Evie nonstop to check if Fairy Godmother had taken the wand out of the museum. She was itching for an opportunity to steal the magic item right under the old hag's nose.

"Can you please sit properly? You're getting your attire all rumpled up!", Evie exclaimed as she stood up and walked over to where Mal was.

Mal rolled her eyes and sat up straightly, smoothing out the creases in her purple and blue bolero jacket as she did so. She was used to hearing Evie scold her when she wasn't taking good care of her clothes, which was practically all the time. "You don't understand, E. This is my one chance to prove to my mother that I am as evil as her. I want her to be proud of me."

"M, I know that, but it's all you ever stress about these days. Forget about it for a moment and just have fun at the party.", Evie reasoned with her. "Now, are you sure you don't want any more make-up? I think a bit of mascara would really make your eyes pop."

"I'm fine with what I have on, thank you very much.", Mal replied, gesturing to the lavender eyeshadow, light blush and nude lipstick she had on. "It's just a garden party, E. Why are you fussing so much over it?"

"Just a garden party? M, we'd basically be in the company of royalty! The least we could do is look presentable.", Evie argued.

Mal held her hands up. She didn't want to bother reasoning with Evie especially when it came to dressing up. Fashion had always been her best friend's forte. From an early age, Evil Queen had already taught her how to dress and put on make-up.

Being the fairest of them all was the one thing that mother and daughter cared about the most. Evie took it upon herself to create her own clothes because she wanted to wear only the best outfits. As her passion for fashion designing grew, Evil Queen's daughter also made clothes for her friends.

Mal's phone suddenly chimed, and she took a peek at the screen to view the notification. "Jay and Carlos are already downstairs. Can we please go now?"

"Just a sec.", Evie muttered, standing in front of the full length mirror to give herself, clad in a blue-green and black pouf dress, one last rundown. "Okay, all set."

- - - - - - - - - -

The group of four entered the gardens of Auradon Prep. Long buffet tables decorated with cream tablecloths paired with pastel-colored table toppers had been set up in the grass. A variety of food was placed atop them, including quiches, trifles, madeleines, sponge cakes, finger sandwiches, and of course, the quintessential scones.

The party was already in full swing, and a good number of people had already arrived. Waiters milled about the area, carrying trays of teapots filled with multiple types of teas, such as earl grey and chamomile.

Majority of the guests were seated at small round tables, engaging in conversation with other attendees and indulging in food and drink. A small crowd had also gathered in the space adjacent to the tables, watching what seemed to be an ongoing game of croquet.

"I think I'm going to puke.", Mal said, staring at the scene before her.

"What do you mean? This party looks absolutely adorable!", Evie gushed, amazed.

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