Chapter Ten

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Mal took a deep breath as she strolled through the hallways of Auradon Prep's main building. Her destination was Fairy Godmother's office, and her target was the old hag's wand. The villain kids had deemed that the best course of action was for Mal to steal the magic item herself, and the boys had been prepping her for this moment.

She stopped in front of the office door and knocked softly.

"Come in.", Fairy Godmother said from inside. Mal gripped the knob and opened the door, peering into the room. She saw that the older woman was sitting behind a desk.

The fairy looked at her in surprise. "Mal! Is something the matter, child?"

"Oh no, nothing too serious, Fairy Godmother. I just have a question about our last quiz in Goodness class.", Maleficent's daughter assured her.

Fairy Godmother placed the papers she was reading aside and beckoned for Mal to enter. "Come, sit.", the woman said, gesturing to the couch in front of her.

Mal stepped inside, her eyes roaming around the office until she spotted the object that she came for. Just like Evie had said, it was sitting on a velvet pillow. The problem was that it was placed on a shelf right behind Fairy Godmother.

The purple-haired girl cursed inwardly. She had to be doing a lot of acting for this, and she had to move fast too. Fairy Godmother would probably notice right away that the wand was missing. Mal only had a couple of minutes tops to break the barrier surrounding the Isle, and the rest would be up to her mother.

'The crash course that I got from Jay about stealing better pay off.', Mal thought to herself.

She sank onto the couch and tried her best to look confused. "I don't understand my mistake on the last item. Wouldn't it be a good thing to fight off the villain instead?"

"Well, in that particular scenario, the best thing would be to call the authorities. You all are still children with no experience in combat. Auradon has police forces for that sort of thing.", Fairy Godmother explained.

Mal stood up and made a big show of proving her point. She paced around, slowly making her way behind the fairy's desk. "I mean, why wait, Fairy Godmother? The villain could get away if we don't act in time."

"And you, on the other hand, could get hurt! We place greater importance on the safety of our citizens."

The young girl stepped closer to the shelf and positioned herself directly in front of the pillow. She abruptly turned around to Fairy Godmother, effectively blocking the old woman's view of the wand.

"I think I'm beginning to see your point, Fairy Godmother.", Mal mused as if deep in thought. Her hand slowly crept behind her back until she could feel the wand in her fingers. Victory was at her fingertips, and Maleficent's daughter fought to keep a smile from appearing on her face that could possibly give her away.

The door suddenly burst open. "Mal, there you are!", Ben exclaimed as he strode inside the room. Mal gasped at the sudden intrusion and jerked her hand back to the side of her body.

"Sorry, Fairy Godmother, but I'll be borrowing Mal for a while.", the prince said. He walked over to where Mal was and grabbed her wrist, pulling her body to follow after him.

"W-Wait. Where are we going?", Mal asked as she tried to get out of Ben's grasp.

"We have a date, remember?", he replied, smiling widely at her. Ben dragged her out of Fairy Godmother's office as the fairy remained silent, looking slightly amused at the whole scene.

"Make sure you get back before curfew! And you better take good care of Mal, Benjamin!", the old woman yelled from behind her desk.

"Yes, Fairy Godmother!", Ben called out as the two left the office, the door closing behind them.

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