"Not extremely, but they are how we get most of the information on you," tears fell from her eyes, "please just kill me! I can't bring myself to do this to them!"

"You want to die? Well," I caressed her face gently, "I can kill you, but that means that you'll be subjecting others to this. I wonder what Kai's screams are like? He's pretty happy-go-lucky, I'm sure they're like the sweetest music."

I'll find out soon enough.

"How the fuck does Yuichiro handle you?!" She stared at me in horror, trying her best not to move with the sharp object impaled in her.

"Well, I'm not interested in his cries of pain. I'm sure they're lovely, but I only want to hear the ones of ecstasy. And while I would like to kill him with pleasure, I have no wish to actually kill him," I bit my bottom lip a bit harder, "he's so perfect. I want to hear those screams so bad," I could feel my pants tighten a bit, "I want him so badly."

She stared at me so confused, "Please just kill me."

"Last question," I smirked, "I may not even force you to answer but please remember who's next. Who's in charge?" I asked.

I woke up in the dead of night, "Mika?" I called out, I touched his side of the bed, "MIKA?! Where are you?!"

I hated him not being around. Jack was definitely right about me using him a shield because anytime I didn't I ended up getting hurt.

I couldn't really see much and I was started to get scared, a lot of people had it out for me and Mika was the only person I knew could protect me. I covered the sides of my neck as an instinct and placed my back against the wall. I didn't want to scream anymore just in case there was someone there.

It was dead quiet except for the usual sounds from upstairs, I gotten used to those so I tuned them out 90% of the time. I wondered if Mika would ever really show me what was up there. He was supposed to. They were comforting right now, but I was still scared.

This can't be healthy. Heh, like I even need to question that.

I bolted out of the room as quickly as possible into the dimly lit hallway, "Mika?" I kept looking around, "Mika?! Mika, please. Mika!"

I could feel the anxiety crushing me. I never felt safe in this house and the fact that Mika wasn't here to keep me safe was amplifying that fear. I kept feeling like someone was going to come up behind me and stab me in the neck or back, I was so scared. My wounds were hurting from how quickly my chest was moving, but I didn't care about that.

"Mika," I could feel my eyes welling up, "Mika, Mika, where are you?" I knew he couldn't hear me, "Why did you leave me? I'm sorry. Mika, please come back." I slumped to the ground and held my legs close to my chest, I didn't feel safe.

An alarming amount of panic was taking over, "If you go into the woods today you're in for a big surprise," my voice was shaky, but singing childhood songs seemed to be helping, "if you go into the woods today you better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was-"

I heard footsteps and instantly shot my head up to see Mika looking down at me, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, water dripping down his face. I never even knew he owned casual clothes. He didn't seem to happy to see me though, his face looked pretty emotionless.

"Why are you out here?" He asked.

"I-I, where were you?" I asked, grabbing onto his hand from my position on the floor, "I couldn't find you."

He squatted down to be at eye level with me and gave me a pat on the head, still looking aloof, "I took a shower. I didn't mean to scare you. Come on, let's go back to bed. I'm not having a great night and I really just want to be near you. I wish you wouldn't have woken up." He got back up.

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now