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Hahahahahahahaha, my mental state... it uh, it just, poof, lmaoooooo. This is going to be a weiiiiirrrrd chapter considering how much I'm laughing my ass off at all of my stress.


I had reluctantly dropped Yuu-Chan off with Matthew, and I could already feel my anger levels rising as I entered my office building.

"Mr. Shindo." A few of my employees greeted me.

I just nodded in their general direction.

I hate this so much.

I wanted to be with Yuu and I had no clue why I didn't just take him with me and had him sit in my office. But noooooooooo, I had to leave him with Matthew.

I wanted to put a fucking bullet in my brain after last night. The relationship was definitely getting better, and I went and fucked it up. I would like to say it was me just taking my pent up anger and most likely high amounts of sexual frustration out on him, which it partially was, but the main thing was fear. I was always so afraid of losing him to someone else that I became a different person whenever that idea was presented to me.

I'll kill anyone that even looks at him. God, no wonder he wants boundaries. I'd want boundaries too. Can I realistically give him boundaries though? Him being with Matthew is sort of a boundary. No, I planned that. This is more like a sub-dom relationship minus the sex. I don't think he's into BDSM. He's definitely not into this power dynamic.

I stood there in my elevator, arms crossed.

Arms up. Wrists together. Elbows together. Knees together. Feet together. Tongue out. Butt out. A jellyfish, a jellyfish, a jell- ok that's enough of that. I wounded if everyone working here has seen me in person. I haven't been here in a while. Someone has to have been hired in that time. Should I be looking at that stuff?

(A/N: Don't judge me, I'm moody and this is stuck in my head)

I glanced to the elevator floor number.

Why did I make this building so big? I should've made it smaller. I miss Yuu-Chan. I want physical contact, but only with him. If any of these people touch me I will kill them. Not actually though. I'm not supposed to do that anymore, well, no, I'm just not allowed to get blood on my hands. Still, he'll be very upset if he finds out. He'll definitely try and kill me himself. I wish I was joking or over exaggerating. I'm fairly certain that if I do one more quote unquote 'illegal' thing, he'll at the very least beat me up, and that's the best case. Does the law apply to me?

The elevator doors opened, "Oh my god, finally."

I walked in to my office and sat down at the desk.

Why did I come in? I know I'm here for something, but I don't have any new work. I'm pretty far ahead in development plans. I'm sure there's a reason though.

"Mr. Shindo." A slender brown haired woman called to me.

"Ah, Miss Mamoko, how can I help you?" I asked.

I only knew her name because I interacted with her frequently.

"As you know, you are here today to interview a candidate for the manager of the new security building." Her amber eyes narrowed a bit, "He's been waiting for quite a bit."

"Why don't we get more women to do these jobs?" I asked.

"Your entire work force is predominantly women." She informed me, "However, if you would prefer a female for this job, I can gather some materials to locate one."

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