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The officer, who had introduced himself as Officer Hamming (I just find that so fucking funny considering he's a cop),
(A/n: I have a lot of family that are police officers. Which makes it all the more hilarious to me.)
and I walked into the police station, I couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere, "Is everything alright here?" I asked.

"Don't worry too much about it. They're not like that because of you. There's been a series of attacks in the woods. It's been all over the news, but I assume you wouldn't know that." Officer Hamming whispered back to me.

We walked into a small room, that made it seem like I was about to be fricking jumped by 50 cops. Either way, I happily sat down knowing I was safe with the police officers.

"Can I get you anything?" He asked, "Water, coffee, I can probably even get you a doughnut if you want it." He offered me with a somewhat friendly look.

"No thank you, I'm ok." I smiled at him.

"Alright, well, I have to get going. Lieutenant Jamison will be in in a moment. I'll be back to check on you in a bit." Officer Hamming waves me goodbye as he walked off, closing the door behind him.

I didn't like being alone. I used to be quite fond of me time, but now it terrified me to no end. If something happened to me no one would He around to stop it. I guess it doesn't really count in this situation since there's many people outside the room.

It was only when I realized just how quiet it really was that I started to freak out a little. I was left alone with just my thoughts, and I had nothing else to think of but Mika and Ray. I didn't even like categorizing them as the same.

Mika is nothing like Ray. He would never hurt me. But, unfortunately, both of them would hurt anyone/everyone else and have a bad obsession with me. So same category it is.

I felt like I was about to puke as a sodden wave of anxiety washed over me.

What if I get all these people killed?

That's when the angelic noise from the opening door sounded. The squeak of those old rusty hinges was oddly one of the most relieving things I've heard in a while.

A tall, slim man, with dyed dark purple hair, and green blue eyes walked in, "I'm Lieutenant Matthew Jamison, it's a pleasure to meet you." He sat across from me with a blank expression.

"I didn't know they let police officers dye their hair." I said innocently.

"It's different for every place. It's not really accepted here, but there's no rule against it as long as it's not a bright and distracting color." Lieutenant Jamison explained.

"Oh." I responded staring at the clean white walls around me.

"Mr. Hyakyua, from what I already know, you've had a very rough time." Matthew tilted his head.

"You can just call me Yuu." I told him, "If I say something that sounds crazy, would you believe me?"

"It depends on what you say." He placed his chin in his hand as he seemed completely fixated on my eyes, "But I have a feeling I already know where this is going."

"Do you know about the Hyakyua orphanage?" I asked him.

"Yes, actually. It was one of the few cases not a single soul could crack. Most of the evidence was destroyed...in the fire. But, based on your last name, I'm assuming you're from there. You, Mikaela Shindo, and Akane Hyakyua." The Lieutenant said quickly.

Hearing Mika's name, especially when it's said so carefree, sent a chill down my spine, "Mikaela Shindo," I hesitated, "Mika..." I just felt weird calling him that formal name, "Lieutenant, you understand that me and Mika have a known connection then, right?"

Matthew just nodded.

"He's the one that killed the others on the trip. He has some weird obsession with me, but not Akane for some reason." I tried my best to explain but found so many reasons none of it made any sense.

"Oh, I believe you." Matthew sighed, "The rich ones are always the sadistic bastards. But, of course, Mr. Shindo will deny everything. His position will also make it rather difficult to get our hands on him," Matthew looked up, thinking about something I couldn't read, "I heard there was a second man. What was his name?" He focused on my eyes once again, "Just please don't prove me right."

"I never got his full name," I admitted, "but I know his first name is Ray. I highly doubt anyone looks similar to him, especially with-"

"His eyes." Matthew said unconsciously, "One green and one blue, correct?"

"Yeah, do you know him?" I asked.

"He's been a bit of a thorn in my side with..." He looked around for a second, "with the recent investigation. Since he lives in the woods, it's only natural for him to be our major suspect for the attacks. His last name is Kendell, by the way. Raymond J. Kendell."

"What's the J stand for?" I asked.

A brief look of panic crossed him before saying, "I honestly couldn't tell you."

"Are you okay?" I leaned towards him slowly.

"Yes, I'm okay." He smiled, "Don't worry, Yuu. I believe you. We won't let Mr. Kendell go unpunished." He assured me, "And I'll... see what I can do about Mr. Shindo."

It almost seems like he's covering for Mika.

"Now, I understand you have no where to go. See Officer Hamming about that and," He scribbled something down on a piece of paper, "If either one of them targets you again, you have my number."

I smiled at him and went to leave the room, which I had concluded was certainly an interrogation room. In the faintest of whispers, I heard Matthew say, "How the fuck am I supposed to hide this for you, Mika?"

My entire body went stiff and multiple red flags went off in my head. I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

Is everyone in this god damn world against me?

Welllllllllllllllllllllll, Matthew isn't really against you, Yuu. Im fact, he's more than on your side when it comes to Ray. But Mika is a different story.

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now