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Meeting The Sisters

"Don't worry (First name)-chii! They're all going to like you

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"Don't worry (First name)-chii! They're all going to like you. You have nothing to worry about"

He smile sheepishly at you as the two of you walk down their neighborhood

It was new years eve, you are currently trying to describe the feeling inside you. Are you nervous? heck, the great (Last name)(First name) a former delinquent? a top student full of confidence? nervous meeting the family of her boyfriend? Yes, you are.

"Do you think they'll like the dish that I cook for your family? how do I look? Do I look presentable? Ryota! I'm nervous"

You stated, stopping in your tracks as you tug his sleeves

Then you heard him chuckle, before crunching down to give you a kiss on the forehead.

"You're fine (First name)-chii, just be yourself"

He smile at you before messing your hair making you pout as you fix in once again.

Soon you're in front of their door, you expect Kise to knock, but to your surprise, he open the door without even knocking and said.

"We're home!"

Afterwards you heard footsteps echoing the wooden floor

"Ryota! Where is she?!"

You heard a scream, not even minutes later, two girls were in front of you two as you just manage to slip into a fluffy pink slippers matching Kise's blue ones.

You take a good luck of the girls in front of you, the one with black hair and yellow eyes that was almost in the same height as yours must be the second oldest as Kise told you.

"Hello dear, you must be Vanessa. Nice to me meet you I'm Rei, the middle child, Kise's sister"

She said holding up a hand.

OKAY. So first of all, you're not Vanessa. Second, who the fuck is Vanessa. Third, you are not going to freak out over some kind of thing, you trust your boyfriend after all who seems to be also quiet shock of her sister's words.

"Nice to meet you Rei-san. I'm (Last name)(First name) by the way, I'm not Vanessa and I'm pretty sure your brother wouldn't do something like that, nee-san"

You smile at her before taking her hand to shake it.

As you do so, you heard the one who somehow looks like Kise except her eyes are black with her long yellow/blond hair tied into a messy bun yet makes her look like a goddess laugh, causing you to realize what you just said and shift uncomfortably.

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